
Yah - that was it. Imagine that shit done right by today's standards. Full fucking contact black Friday type shit. Corporate backing. Sponsors. Maybe 1 taser per team with a single charge for those hail mary takedowns
Why do corporate backing and sponsors? Do it underground, viral style with actual looting. You have to answer socialist dogma trivia to accumulate time. Then each team has to smash their own window to enter the store and collect as much merchandise as possible before their timer expires. Tally up the craigslist value at the end to determine the winner.
You ok mang? We're still without power here.
Kotz and naptown mia.

Im alive bro the storm hit hard for 15min but i dont think it was as bad downtown? Lots of trees are down and randomly power is out depending on the block. My block got lucky.

What burb area are you in?
supermarket sweep was already rebooted

i was in logan square when derecho hit and it sent lula's planter boxes (probably about 150lbs) into the intersections along with all the newspaper dispensers
had fun clearing the detritus while getting poured on
supermarket sweep was already rebooted

i was in logan square when derecho hit and it sent lula's planter boxes (probably about 150lbs) into the intersections along with all the newspaper dispensers
had fun clearing the detritus while getting poured on

Bro I swear you've prob met me IRL since you live in logan
I was able to listen to enough to be able to say
1) They were looting for lootings sake.
2) They feel they are justified in looting since they are owed free shit by the USA anyway
3) They DGAF about the law or any consequences
4) They all think it's hilarious when they get on a roll
5) They rely on the mob to accomplish their goals
6) In general, they are very polite with each other - I didn't see much of them in-fighting and grabbing each-other's loot. They often helped distribute the loot
7) They coordinated heavily with messaging apps to figure out where they were going next. "NORDSTROM'S Y'ALL! They be in Nordstroms"
8) The police looked like amateurs. Totally caught pants down. Looters went where they wanted with impunity. They seemed to be charged with watching after specific stores. Like Coach. Not sure if that eventually fell but the cops camped it pretty hard.
9) I only saw a handful of white women. But, they looked like GFs of the looters.

Until the city gets tough on law and order, this group will do what they want and expect no repercussions.
You combine this sort of breeding with things like prey drift which the average pet owner has no understanding of and [strike]pitbulls[/strike] being just way too common in general of course [strike]pitbulls[/strike] kill the most people - like duh
Never thought we could psychoanalyze black people's behavior with k9 behavioral characteristics but, it fits perfectly.
hope u guys stay safe it must be real scary dodging bullets and riots on a daily basis
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did the nws classify that shit yesterday as a derecho

there were a few spin up gust front tornados very close to me

the lightning/thunder was probably the loudest i've ever heard for a single storm

non-stop boomers for 25 min straight
sturgis is pretty much my definition of hell

can u imagine the boomer humor flyin around that place my god

and then u gotta listen to smash mouth..
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Alexander ME

CODE:Alexander The Great
PASSWORD:Victoria and Victory
BIRTHDATE:August 13 1987
FULLNAME:Alexander John Thomas Knapik-Levert

CODE:rob mephistopheles

CODE:Little Lies
BIRTHDATE:August 17 1988
FULLNAME:Lilly Victoria Julia Knapik-Levert
cause i've got antifa in high places
where the tear gas drowns
and the leaf blower chases my blues away
and it'll be okay