[$$$] Rich Dad, Poor Dad tonight on 20/20

I thought RMPM was a joke when I read it. Was it aimed at 3rd graders? Who the fuck doesn't understand it's best to have your money work for you?
A friend gave me his book to read it and tell him what I think of it. I told him it wasn't a bad read but it revolves more around soundbytes then investing. If you want to learn about investing start out with Benjamin Graham's The intelligent investor. The book goes over all the basics. What to look for in an investment, how to manage a portfolio, how taxes and inflation will affect your investments.
I thought the best line of the show was towards the end when they asked The con man author what his lessons and books teach, his reply.. "How to fail"

It seems like you're more interested in get rich quick schemes and books on real estate, but I'm going to recommend these books anyway:

The Four Pillars of Investing - William Bernstein
The Coffeehouse Investor - Bill Schultheis
The Wealthy Barber - David Chilton
Richest Man in Babylon - George S. Clason
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits - Philip Fisher
The Intelligent Asset Allocator - William Bernstein
The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham
Security Analysis(get the 1934 edition) - Benjamin Graham
Common Sense On Mutual Funds - John Bogle
A Random Walk Down Wall Street - Burton Malkiel
One Up On Wall Street - Peter Lynch
I'll tell you this, while he may be a wee bit fraudulent, it was a great read for someone like me when I was 19. It's inspired me to read more books, not written by him, choose a college major that I'm very excited about, and have a direction/goal in life. This book is nothing but a scam to anyone who has any kind of debt or serious obligations in life already (e.g. children, a full-time job, mortgage, car payments). Once you are in that position, none of his advice is going to help you unless you get very lucky. For me, having no debt, and a very limited knowledge of money in general at that time, it got me thinking about my future at just the right time.

Anyone want to suggest some of their favorite books on ANY type of investing and business formation for me?
Golgac said:
I thought RMPM was a joke when I read it. Was it aimed at 3rd graders? Who the fuck doesn't understand it's best to have your money work for you?
I think it is. The theme behind the book supposedly is 'this is what a rich dad tells his child, this is what a poor dad tells his child'
Automatic Jack said:
I need to get my financial shit together, I have been paycheck to paycheck my whole life.

Did you ever do anything for the friends who helped clean your place? I dont think Iv told you, but ever since I got my own place, your thread was insparation for keeping mine clean becuase I didnt want to live like you.
[xKx]AppleCider said:

Before this chart I really had no clue about the benefits of compounded interest and this page just blew me away.

Great Post. I've seen this chart a few times in various formats.

Also there are thousands of self help finance books out there and get rich quick schemes. It can be difficult to tell the difference. I've read many over the years but the information on this page is more than enough to get you going. I recommend anyone to save the money you were planning to spend on RDPD and put it to work on something useful.
[xKx]AppleCider said:
It seems like you're more interested in get rich quick schemes and books on real estate, but I'm going to recommend these books anyway:

One Up On Wall Street - Peter Lynch
How does "One Up on Wall Street" compare with this other books?
some good books ive read are "the magic of thinking big", "how i raised myself from failure to success in selling", "how to win friends and influence people", "how to have confidence and power when dealing with people", and "personality plus"