Retard little bitch putin tried fighting Americans and lost 300 soldiers

y should i pontificate on putin being a grade a jack ass

its obvious he is the epitome of evil

if u cant see it or need reasons to believe it youre more delusional than a schizophrenic in the throes of psychosis

face it

ur a mentally ill shit poster with nothing but time on your hands because the goverment pays your way and wipes your ass for you

y do u have to take out your mental illness on us

get a therapist

he'll actually care about what you have to say, unlike ninety nine percent of this forum

nine times out of ten i scroll right past cpt tryhard posts because they're always dripping with autism

i dont kno wat ur exact diagnoses is but do we really have to suffer you while you deal with it

join a gym

get a competent psychiartrist

invest in a therapist

just stop with the bull shit
ur a mentally ill shit poster with nothing but time on your hands because the goverment pays your way and wipes your ass for you

y do u have to take out your mental illness on us

get a therapist

he'll actually care about what you have to say, unlike ninety nine percent of this forum

nine times out of ten i scroll right past cpt tryhard posts because they're always dripping with autism

i dont kno wat ur exact diagnoses is but do we really have to suffer you while you deal with it

join a gym

get a competent psychiartrist

invest in a therapist

just stop with the bull shit

look at all that crusty salt


and i didn't even order a tequila shot

maybe i just use it to rim my margarita
defend putin to the death

which i hope is very soon

if u love the man so much pack ur shit up and move to russia

we dont need putin apologists breathing american air

we'll see how fast your tune changes when youre locked up in a siberian gulag for being a faggot
no habla putino he says

it was on a thing that talked about this thing

that should be good enough epidemic says

and u wonder why we are sending your people back to mexico
when u and goshin post u should just link to the tv shows that gave you your opinions you can't figure out how to actually discuss

that way we can skip the dummy puppet having his strings pulled in the middle

we can't just go straight to the thing that made your thoughts for u
look at this faggot

ready to suck putins balls

if anyone deserves 2 be sent anywhere its this unamerican blowhard

pack ur shit bud-e ur going 2 russia

dont let the statue of liberty put a boot in ur ass on the way out

good fuking riddance
seriously just pack ur shit

all the things you own

pack it

in a box

ur shit

get it together

all together

and wave bye as u head to the motherland

gl; hf
nothing on putin still?

like pulling teeth


chiclets as you call them in your native country

well i can't say i didn't try hard enough for the both of us

it is ok run along and demand some more free college from californians who can afford to live in the state still

it would be a good investment if you could read or think
it was in english

i don't expect u to know that despite living here


regular captain "america" we got here

red white and green with envy
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im the epitome of the melting pot

more american than u'll ever be

keep pretending like my ethnicity is somehow the enemy

dont forget about all the people that actually have to pay taxes this year

you kno

while u cash your welfare check
can u like try

To me this hypothesis seems plausible for the following reasons:

First, the USA and Israel are still reeling in humiliation and impotent rage over their defeat in Syria: Assad is still in power, Daesh is more or less defeated, the Russians were successful not only their military operations against Daesh but also in their campaign to bring as many “good terrorists” to the negotiating table as possible. With the completion of a successful conference on Syria in Russia and the general agreement of all parties to begin working on a new constitution, there was a real danger of peace breaking out, something the AngloZionist are absolutely determined to oppose (check out this apparently hacked document which, if genuine, clearly states the US policy not to allow the Russian to get anything done).

Second, both Trump and Netanyahu have promised to bring in lots of “victories” to prove how manly and strong they are (as compared to the sissies which preceded them). Starting an overt war against Russian would definitely be a “proof of manhood”, but a much too dangerous one. Killing Russians “on the margins”, so to speak, either with plausible deniability or, alternatively, killing Russians private contractors is much safer and thus far more tempting option.

Third, there are presidential elections coming up in Russia and the US Americans are still desperately holding on to their sophomoric notion that if they create trouble for Putin (sanctions or body bags from Syria) they can somehow negatively impact his popularity in Russia (in reality they achieve the opposite effect, but they are too dull and ignorant to realize that).

Last but not least, since the AngloZionist have long lost the ability to actually getting anything done, their logical fall-back position is not let anybody else succeed either. This is the main purpose of the entire US deployment in northern Syria: to create trouble for Turkey, Iran, Syria and, of course, Russia.

Escalation In Syria - How Far Can The Russians Be Pushed? | Zero Hedge

this for u goshin

i know u can read
can u take your limitless free time and invest in a hobby

its not healthy to top shit posting most posting lists everyday on a dead forum about a dead video game
can u say anything about the topics in this thread?

anything at all

between u and blackpeople i am not sure who is worse at this

i know there is nothing inside your empty head to know that you have nothing to say on the topic but an opinion based on less than nothing but words you can't even repeat

but to prove that is pretty sad and embarrassing u know?

but maybe u don't know

and that is even more sad and no bueno

u know no bueno?