[request] patching out "happy ski" in 1.40


Veteran XX
yeah, yeah.. I know what you're thinking. there's no need for a ski script now that 1.40 has T2-style skiing built-in. but if you really spend time playing with "happy ski" you will discover it misses WAY too many jumps vs a traditional script method. I notice this every time I play with 1.40, just as I did when I tried the happy ski patch back in the day.

so that said, what we need is for one of the brilliant tribes.exe patching experts in this community to step forward and patch IDACTION_MOVEUP to behave as it did pre-1.40... if it's at all possible. thanks.
i think its in ur head

i am a great skiier and have zero problems with control

this post is really not constructive though so my apologies
Here's the script I use with it:
$Jump::Delay = 0.009;
function Jump::Start()
	if ((Client::GetTeam(getmanagerid()) == -1)) {
		postAction(2048, IDACTION_MOVEUP, 1);
		function Jump::Jump()
			postAction(2048, IDACTION_MOVEUP, 1);
			schedule("Jump::Jump();", $Jump::Delay);

function Jump::Stop(){ function Jump::Jump(){} }
nofix this is amazing. all you nonbelievers should run the patch and make a few runs around DX. not a single missed jump with this whereas before I was missing at least one every single time.

here's another simple script to give you guys some variety:

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "space", TO, "ski(1);");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "space", TO, "ski(0);");

function ski(%v){
    if(%v != "") $skiing = %v;
    if($skiing) {
        postAction(2048, IDACTION_MOVEUP, 1);
        schedule("ski();", 0.001);