[Request] Health Kit Sound


Veteran X
A small request: Currently picking up health kits off dead bodies makes just the standard ammo pickup sound (which in itself is hard to hear). It would be more usefull if it had a seperate sound of its own.

This is especially a problem with the way items now drop in a circular pattern. In a competitive situation, when you are concerned with defending your flag and staying alive, you very often don't have the time to run around in a circle around a body, grab the health, look down to make sure you got it, and go back if you missed it. If it had a different sound, you could ski over, listen for the pickup, and keep going, knowing you grabbed it.

Most games have it anyways, a 'cachunk' for ammo and a 'pshht' for health (feel free to change those sounds ;)).

Just a small observation from my limited experience with the game.
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