Removing the gay from the iPod

that ipodlinux thing is neat.. they have a video of them running Doom on the ipod. and a neat little 3d cube demo
Well, I take mine mountainbike riding and it has never skipped once yet.

Should I throw in the real 40hrs playback (if using Atrac3, about 30hrs for mp3 files)

I believe this will cache up to 60 seconds of music in a split second, so unless you are throwing it at walls nonstop it shouldnt skip. I will however admit I havent been running with it, so I dont know how it would cope with the constand shocks of running, however I would have expected MTB riding to put more strain on the player than running.
I have yet to meet an ipod owner that didn;t like his/her ipod.

Now that I say this someone will pop up and exclaim how much they dislike their ipod they owned. Fuck you, I haven't met you.
Well, its not my ipod, its my GF's and I dont like it.

She doesnt like it either (prefers mine for use in the car and plugged into home stereo) but she isnt here to tell you she doesnt like it ... so its kinda a moot point.