[Release Thread] Overwatch

lucio can be p much just as skill intensive as anyone.

he's def easier to jump into and be useful with, but as far as making a real impact, no different than any other char.
Good Lucios are great at extending overtime on KOTH too, jumping around the point way up high like a madman and dodging til backup arrives
the center points on lijang a good lucio can stay alive forever lol. also the bell on hanamura is pretty easy to use to stay alive too.
Yah I had the worst time killing a fucker on top of the bell the other day, didn't know why I wasn't taking the point for the first bit then couldn't hit him
yeah lucio can do dirty dirty things on many maps, most koth for sure.

the inside tibet map is really fun dipping below the floor of platform in the middle of the pit to evade shit and popping up to boop ppl.
so basically lucio's skill ceiling is how well he wall rides... mmkay

srsly name 1 hero that takes less skill than lucio

ne1 who mains lucio belongs in the kitchen makin me a sammich
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I dunno about that. Mechanically sure (don't have to aim your primary weapon and secondary is pretty straight forward). If you have a dumbass who keeps charging (literally, the skill Charge) into the enemy team alone and dying or wasting his ult when no one is around to capitalize on it, you're going to have a bad time. A player who knows when to use those skills will make/break the game for you. :weird:
junkrat and dva... really? im not sayin theyre tracer/genji level of skill, but compared to lucio? who's main "skill" is simply to "be there"... uh nope

at least say torb or something, then i might agree
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just being there isn't his main skill IMO. the boop and adding meaningful damage along with wall riding is where good lucios shine.
ok now compare all that to who you think is the easiest hero's kit... and honesty tell how lucio's takes more skill.
Should Zenyatta be running gold or silver elims, heals, damage, and objective time in Season 2? Or am I just stuck in elo hell again?
Should Zenyatta be running gold or silver elims, heals, damage, and objective time in Season 2? Or am I just stuck in elo hell again?

I have two types of rounds when I get gold elims on kills/damage/obj kills with zen

low numbers where my team sucked dicks and I was the only one doing anything

and super high numbers where I skimmed damage off just about every enemy who approached the choke point

First means im gonna have a bad night, second means im rolling with a good team

just looked and I've almost got as much damage output with zen as I do with roadhog, teammates b like "I need healing!"
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