[Release] Degrapple


Veteran X
We all know about the people who swing around with the grappler like tarzan and are almost untouchable. Here is a quick mutator that fixes that. You can simply shoot the grapple and it will break.

Watch Video of Degrapple

The system is simple. The grappler project has health (25) which is killed. It is a mutator that does all the work.

[The source is included in the release]

Howto implement:
For those of you running a ded server. You must add the following to the commandline.

In your specified .ini file (usually "TV_CD_DVD.ini") you will need add the following

To change the health of the Grappler:
Add this to the .ini file.
Health = 25
Since its a mutator there wont be a transition between servers running this and not running this right? The server can just tell the client to use this mutator or if it is stock dont run anything at all.
Kachu said:
Since its a mutator there wont be a transition between servers running this and not running this right? The server can just tell the client to use this mutator or if it is stock dont run anything at all.

I was wondering about the Health amount but easy enough to test. What weapons would be useful to use to de-grapple someone and what are their Default Damages..

Then again Splash Radius' arent too wide and so the only "random effect" of an Accidental De-grapple would happen if a Mortor or GL nade landed really close- and int hat case its kinda cool that the grapple capper may go fluying off at some odd angle cuz his grapple releases rather than smoothly riding out the heavy dmg (blocked by shield) on his original course.

Lets get this onto some server for testing now.. and as Striker said- the code willb e included in the compmod mutator pack.
It may actually end up mostly in-effectual agaisnt gfreat cappers in matchs/escrims but it should decrease Pub stupidness and its not like its in any way Harmful to gameplay.
Lockout said:
Er... didn't someone else make this a while back? Or is this different?
There was an ungrapple mod, but the hook didn't have a health there... it could be destroyed at the tiniest 0.00000001 damage, which made it pretty frustrating.
Mindflayr said:
Lets get this onto some server for testing now.. and as Striker said- the code will be included in the compmod mutator pack.
A. Post some server ip's to make shure I (and others) have this set up right for playing with and without the mutator.

B. What the heck is the 'compmod mutator pack' this is the first ive ever heard of this pack and I've been watching the forums since before the beta came out.

(unrelated to the quote)
C. Do we need to edit the ini file if we arnt hosting a server? If yes what will happen if a server tweaks the setting will it disconnect us or tell us to change the value?

Thanks this mod should really cut down on Grappler W}{0R3$
I seriouslly hope someone at Irrational is paying attention here! If de-grappling isn't already in the patch, there's no excuse for it not to be now!

Well... I guess some folks would argue that it's a game play change and may not be preferable to include it in the base now that it is an option, but screw dat noise! Base has got to be tight since it will be the standard by which the game is judged in the future!
I think it's a good idea. but it won't make itself into competition for a while..

slut ur not ghetto.
Don't ever say that sh!t again. :roller:
:closet: slut

Amadeu5 said:
Yay, health at last. Thank you sir, 25 seems like a good value too for starters. :)

While testing I couldnt find a perfect value. Right now its pretty weak but it makes sense while chasing. I made sure to make it so you could modify the health on the server, this way everyone can have what they want.
Mindflayr said:
I was wondering about the Health amount but easy enough to test. What weapons would be useful to use to de-grapple someone and what are their Default Damages..

Then again Splash Radius' arent too wide and so the only "random effect" of an Accidental De-grapple would happen if a Mortor or GL nade landed really close- and int hat case its kinda cool that the grapple capper may go fluying off at some odd angle cuz his grapple releases rather than smoothly riding out the heavy dmg (blocked by shield) on his original course.

Lets get this onto some server for testing now.. and as Striker said- the code willb e included in the compmod mutator pack.

You can find the damage from each weapon by opening TVed. Most of them have a sloped damage by distance.
Mindflayr said:
It may actually end up mostly in-effectual agaisnt gfreat cappers in matchs/escrims but it should decrease Pub stupidness and its not like its in any way Harmful to gameplay.

Its not made to change gameplay. Its just to fix the annoying problem of grapple whores who spin in circles.