[Release] Automatic Fileplanet refresh script

IE sucks. Make a Firefox extension that checks for Tribes and refreshes, there is already one that refreshes (every 10 secs, 30 secs, etc) so you could modify that.

Actually nevermind I'll just leave an IE window open.
Awesome, I'm pissed I didn't think of it first. How about adding a wav file to the mix?

right above:

msgbox "The Beta is here!"


Dim Shell,WaveFile
WaveFile = "C:\betashere.wav"
Set Shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Shell.Run "sndrec32 /play /close """ & WaveFile & """",0,True

Copy whatever wave file you want to c:\betashere.wav and it'll play right before the dialogue box pops up.
that script would be more fun it it refreshed every 6 seconds.

Fileplanet would REALLY like it then (especially if more ppl used it).
now if we could get every tribalwar member to do it, every 6 seconds, I wonder if they would notice (how many people are on TW)
Fileplanet's admin undoubtedly have an anti-request-flood script that will stop responding to IP's that request too frequently, as does any webpage server admin with half a Devry degree.
FantasticDamage said:
Awesome, I'm pissed I didn't think of it first. How about adding a wav file to the mix?...

Yeah, my notification is pretty bland.

But if anyone would like to create their own notification - then the easiest way is to launch it through a .bat file.

First, you must remove the "msgbox" line from the code. This would prevent the script from completing until the msgbox is OK'ed.

Then, create a .bat file to launch the script. Lets say my script was called fileplanet.vbs, and I wanted to launch notepad.exe after it completed, then my .bat file would be:

wscript fileplanet.vbs

Done. Possible uses: command line email, beeper, and text messaging utilities.
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Dark|Dragon said:
IE sucks. Make a Firefox extension that checks for Tribes and refreshes, there is already one that refreshes (every 10 secs, 30 secs, etc) so you could modify that.

Actually nevermind I'll just leave an IE window open.

yes ie does suck very badly your going to have nice VIRUSES all over your pc for tribes3 to run poorly if you do that! :)

make one for firefox that refreshes every 1/2 second - YOU DONT WANNA MISS IT!
Slurp is the shazbot. You firefox fanboys can create one for yourself, obviously he made this for himself and decided to share it. Thanks Man.
TheRoDent said:
I'm sure fileplenty is gonna LOVE this one.
They have thousands of clients downloading software at extremely high speeds 24/7. I don't think they're going to care if some Tribes-obsessors are spastically refreshing their frontpage every minute. ;)