Rehnquist has cancer

All but one of the nine U.S. Supreme Court justices is over 65, and many court watchers expect at least one, perhaps as many as four, retirements in the next four years.

This is the most important part of the election. It's amazing to me that the conservative justices didn't step down during Bush's reign so they could be replaced. Many thought they were holding out under Clinton to wait for a repub. president. If Kerry is elected, I could see the a liberal or two retiring, and possibly the conservatives losing one or two due to retirement (or hell, even death at their ages).
gibsonic said:
i guess some peeps will see this cancer surgery as a timed political move...
most people only recognize the Supreme Court by name and will not change their vote on account of this. hell, all 9 could die tomorrow and people still wouldn't change their vote. they don't see the importance of the U.S.S.C.
Doaln said:
most people only recognize the Supreme Court by name and will not change their vote on account of this. hell, all 9 could die tomorrow and people still wouldn't change their vote. they don't see the importance of the U.S.S.C.

sad but true...well, at least until CNN and others tell people what to think.
Doaln said:
It's amazing to me that the conservative justices didn't step down during Bush's reign so they could be replaced.

Bush isn't a conservative, he's a radical and a national tragedy. Smart people like supreme court justices know this. They would rather have Kerry pick their replacements than Bush. I'm sure in hindsight they would have preferred to let Clinton do it.
Automatic Jack said:
Bush isn't a conservative, he's a radical and a national tragedy. Smart people like supreme court justices know this. They would rather have Kerry pick their replacements than Bush. I'm sure in hindsight they would have preferred to let Clinton do it.

: orbitroll:
Automatic Jack said:
Bush isn't a conservative, he's a radical and a national tragedy. Smart people like supreme court justices know this. They would rather have Kerry pick their replacements than Bush. I'm sure in hindsight they would have preferred to let Clinton do it.

Wow ! What a lame ass post.
It would be a troll if it weren't exactly true I suppose. Wipe the bush cum out of your eyes and wake up dearies. Bush is a fucking disaster, even Reagan appointees feel an obligation not to allow him appoint any justices.
Doaln said:
The evidence does seem to back this up. They had 4 long years to resign.

maybe they didn't want to resign...OMG TAHT'sS IMSPOSSBILE!!!

there have been some very imporant decisions to come down in the past 4 years that I am sure none of their ego's would let them miss.
gibsonic said:
maybe they didn't want to resign...OMG TAHT'sS IMSPOSSBILE!!!

there have been some very imporant decisions to come down in the past 4 years that I am sure none of their ego's would let them miss.
Also true, but there are ALWAYS important decisions being made. These people do have lives too and I'm sure they don't plan on working until their deaths (which is fast approaching for all of them)
Automatic Jack said:
Bush isn't a conservative, he's a radical and a national tragedy. Smart people like supreme court justices know this. They would rather have Kerry pick their replacements than Bush. I'm sure in hindsight they would have preferred to let Clinton do it.
Given that Rehnquist tends to side with Bush on legal issues, your point is invalid.

Given the difficulties that Bush has faced making judicial appointments on a federal level, imagine how difficult it would be to appoint a Supreme Court justice with the Democrats filibustering the nomination.
Doaln said:
Also true, but there are ALWAYS important decisions being made. These people do have lives too and I'm sure they don't plan on working until their deaths (which is fast approaching for all of them)

peeps on death's door could really give a shit about politics. What they do care about is their legacy. They want what they did to have a long lasting positive impact that will serve the common good while also making them immortal.

It could be the case that they don't want Bush to decide, but I don't think they really trust Kerry either.

These justices are like family to one another now. They know how each other work and non of them want to be the one to change that chemistry, let alone the chief justice. Also, the justices have plenty of "free time" to pursue their own personal hobbies and to spend time with family. Have the SCJ position gives them continual purpose and influence when most people are just sitting around bored playing canasta. Most would assume serve as long as they are physically able to. I think that all of them respect their position enough to protect it from themselves if they feel they can no longer handle it.
Given that Rehnquist tends to side with Bush on legal issues, your point is invalid.

Invalid but true? Between the Patriot Act and the disregarding of the Geneva Conventions and the support for the first amendment in our history that would restrict liberty, Bush is trying to dismantle the Constitution. The supreme court justices purpose in life is to defend it.

It's pretty fucking obvious.
Automatic Jack said:
Invalid but true? Between the Patriot Act and the disregarding of the Geneva Conventions and the support for the first amendment in our history that would restrict liberty, Bush is trying to dismantle the Constitution. The supreme court justices purpose in life is to defend it.

It's pretty fucking obvious.
Here's your problem: you're confusing your opinion with absolute fact.

Once you get over that, everything will make a lot more sense.