Redneck Marathon at UVA5!


Veteran X
NASCAR 2003 Season! We are setting up a $10.00 in, Winner takes all race for Friday Evening. All 500 Laps at Daytona (should take about 3 hours with Qualifying).

So far, I know of at least 8 people running it. If you're into NASCAR 2003, bring your wheel!
mixmandan said:
What is a good racing wheel for cheap?

The MS Sidewinder (non-Force Feedback version) works just fine and runs about $40.00. Logitech also makes a decent wheel for about the same price. If you have the cash, get a FF wheel though. FF in NASCAR-2003 helps a LOT!
well, it may be, im not sure, how much time to you think this will take? by friday night we'll be down to 4 teams each in the tourneys, so you may be just fine...

Im expecting the semifinals for each tourney to start about 10:30 on friday, an earlier round will be played at 2-3 in the afternoon, and there is somethign else planned around 8 I beleive...

so maybe 5-8?
Ahhhh ok, I gotcha. I thought Tribes Tourney games wouldn't start until Saturday. Since I'm playing in the Tribes Tourney, I guess we will play it by ear.
I'm interested. Is this race going to be open setup or fixed fast?

edit: instead of having the race during the tourneys and potentially creating a conflict, why not have it mid-day friday or saturday before the tourneys get back under way?
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I'm down with it... I guess that means I'll have to get NASCAR 2003 before the lan somehow... Legally, of course... :D