Recommend me a new comedy TV series

I just finished the first season of Community. Damn funny show. The paintball episode might be one of the best 30 minutes of television ever.
when you get to the end of a bag of chips do you

a. fold the edge of the bag into a neat slide for the chip crumbs to fall into your face


b. mash up the crumbs so much that nothing resembling a chip remains (and then throw this away)
Comedies I enjoy ATM:

How I Met Your Mother
The Office
The Life and Times of Tim
The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret
It's Always Sunny...

I'm going to assume you watch/have watched most, if not all, of these. But I figured I'd throw them out there.
"The Simpsons."

It's this cartoon (but not just for kids!) about this really way-out family.. the dad's a bit of a loser, the mum has this crazy giant hair, the eldest son is this real tearaway that rides a skateboard and says "don't have a cow, man!" and "eat my shorts!" and is the real focus of the show, his little sister is a little genius (and hence the misfit of the family!), and there's a little baby as well.

Really worth a watch, catch it quick before the networks pull it!
Comedies I enjoy ATM:

How I Met Your Mother
The Office
The Life and Times of Tim
The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret
It's Always Sunny...

I'm going to assume you watch/have watched most, if not all, of these. But I figured I'd throw them out there.

If you like David Cross, Will Arnett and uncomfortable black comedy, totally. I just finished watching the series finale, which might be one of the darkest endings for a comedy series I've seen. But fucking awesome as well. Definitely a series I will now recommend (also it's only twelve episodes long).
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Men of Certain Age:
Cancelled, but 22 good episodes with a more subtle humor

Eastbound & Down:
First season rocked, second not so much

The middle:
Kinda like a more adult version of "Malcolm in the middle"