Rape Charges...the new weapon of the left

lol...you keep posting that like you think i care Spergburger.

Hey...tell everyone again how you invented nexting
phaytal is such a pathetic loser. i don't even think he really believes the drivel he spews
Reagan was accused of date-raping what's-her-name. Clinton had dozens if not hundreds of accusers. Only the Trumpasaurus was caught on camera admitting to being a sexual predator.

In the next year or so we're going to find out that everyone in Hollywood fucked five other people against their will, and it will all come boiling down to six degrees of Kevin Bacon.

But all politicians fuck us in one way or another, multiple times. They still get elected.
"All I can say is it’s totally fake news. It’s just fake. It’s fake. It’s made-up stuff, and it’s disgraceful."
Clinton had women crawling out of the woodwork and is best known for putting a cigar up a fat girls pussy.

Trump was just explaining the ho playbook
I tend to think of everyone who runs for office to be a sociopath and/or a psychopath, but I also put no value in an accusation that carries an ulterior motive.

You have proof of motive or just assuming?

What's your motive for that assumption?