Ramen w/ frankfuter & egg


Veteran X
Meal for one, what I usually cook for myself.

You need:

1 x pack of Ramen
1 x Swiss Frankfurter
1 x Egg


1. Put your ramen in 2.5 cups of boiling water


2. Wait about 2 minutes til it boils again (with the ramen in the pot)

3. Put in the packs of seasoning that comes with your ramen pack.

4. Wait about 30 secs then dump the frankfurter into the boiling ramen.


5. Stir around a bit for a minute so the frankfurter is soft and edible

6. Pick up the frankfurter and put the egg into the boiling ramen.


7. Mix the egg with the ramen ... stir as fast as you can for 1 min.

8. Put the frankfurter into the pot and viola!


maybe you have to be a foodie to appreciate dishes like this

the mouthfeel alone is better than anything you will ever try

nice try - but no bite, kiddo.

if I want 'mouth feel' ill go for some BC Spotted prawns, or possibly some morels, you can enjoy your RAMEN.
no offense but that just does not look good to me

it sounds great the way it's depicted in the thread title

but the finished product looks nasty
ima try it our right now cept no meat to put in it >.<

tastes pretty good, makes the ramen more filling w/egg. Though i recommend not putting the yolk in. When I did it it just hardened into a blob of cooked yolk which I personally dont mind but ... others may not
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I may try this tomorrow.

I own ramen and an egg, I do not own a frankfuter (sic) but I will try to acquire one.