radeon 9800 - guess how much it costs!

uhh the 128MB DDR version is 25%-50% faster and is priced at $399. This version is clocked higher and is 256 MB of DDR2, therefore the hefty pricetag.
Sigh. If you notice, they are preselling the 128meg for $450, $50 more than anyone else is. So you can knock off $50 from the 256meg version, down to $500. Use your brains.
RADEON™ 9800 Series of products requires connection to your PC's internal power supply for operation. Consult your system builder or OEM to ensure your system has an adequate power supply.

The Radeon uses DDR
The Nvidia uses DDR2
ParoxysM said:
RADEON™ 9800 Series of products requires connection to your PC's internal power supply for operation. Consult your system builder or OEM to ensure your system has an adequate power supply.

The Radeon uses DDR
The Nvidia uses DDR2
And your point would be?
ParoxysM said:
RADEON? 9800 Series of products requires connection to your PC's internal power supply for operation. Consult your system builder or OEM to ensure your system has an adequate power supply.

The Radeon uses DDR
The Nvidia uses DDR2

The GFFX does NOT use DDR2; I can link, but it uses something that is not truly DDR2.

MaxxCarnage-- One big use of the card is cranking AA/AF , which at some levels the R700 doesn't perform well. If you don't touch AA/AF, then it isn't worth it to upgrade.
ParoxysM said:
RADEON™ 9800 Series of products requires connection to your PC's internal power supply for operation. Consult your system builder or OEM to ensure your system has an adequate power supply.

The Radeon uses DDR
The Nvidia uses DDR2

News flash: The 9800 Pro 256meg uses DDRII. Its also clocked MUCH higher than the 128meg 9800 Pro.

Yankee, true but lots of levels in UT2k3 fill up a 128meg card. Its common thinking that the 256meg card will be the card to have for Doom 3.

|MrSniper|Nyx said:
Ok that costs more than a whole PC from my computer shop. GG ATI.

They have cards for all budjets. No one ois forcing you to buy anything.
Vang said:
No, it's a 128mb card last time I checked. OCed as in it's essentially a R9700 with higher clock speeds, and tested at those speeds. It's nothing more than a slightly updated R9700.

You stupid! its 256 megs, wtf are you ON, CRACK?! 256 does not equal 128, do you get it!