Questions I would like to ask the president.

Mr President. Americans are furious about the CEOs and Wall Street types that got us into this mess. You proposed salary caps for CEOs who take bailout money in the future, but what about the people who are actually responsible and have left with huge bonuses? How will you get vengeance on behalf of the public?

Ex post facto laws. It's too late to do anything. You should know this you wannabe lawyer.

Mr President, time after time we have seen billions of our foriegn aid given to third world countries only to disappear into the pockets of two-bit dictators. Now we are about to pass a trillion dollar stimulus package which many fear will be a magnet for abuse and disappear into the pockets of our own domestic two-bit dictators at the state and local level. How will you ensure this money is spent wisely, and what measures will you take to prevent or punish abuse?

The money is going down the toilet either way, how it gets there is beside the point.