[PS4] PlayStation Meeting is today

Considering road maps and everything have been leaked the reveal the next X-Box is scheduled for this Holiday season I think it's pretty safe to say that it will come out this year. If anything it's surprising the PS4 is ready considering they were behind last generation and have been behind on sales for a long time now.

Really I am amazed that Sony is willing to throw this much money at the PS4 and the infrastructure required to support the things they are promising when they don't charge for online (which I think will absolutely change next gen) and don't have as many subscribers.
you have any source/links for your claims about xbox release?

afaik microsoft is stuck beefing up kinect and xbox live, and thats why theres no way they release this year
I was thinking the exact same thing, haha.

I was pretty disappointed overall in the conference, it seemed rushed to me. They showed so many old benchmarks - UE4, Agnii's.

I'm looking forward to playing that puzzle game on the PC [from the Braid creator], and seems like there's a high probability Bungie's game will be on PC as well.

I do like the share button that was already leaked though; but it came at the cost of the interface looking like a horrible mess compared to the nice, clean, and professional PS3 interface.

Jonathan Blow (Braid guy) said he only had 12 days notice for this event. It was pretty rushed considering they barely had any new demos and barely showed the controller. I doubt they even have the final design for the hardware ready.
you have any source/links for your claims about xbox release?

afaik microsoft is stuck beefing up kinect and xbox live, and thats why theres no way they release this year

Let's just say this, I'd bet you a large sum of money over it but I would be cheating.
Last i remember u were at starbux

I dun care wat insider info u got

Credit to m$ if they pull it off but i dont believe it rite now. Sony didnt even have a console to show, theyre rushing the shit out of things as it is
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I'm curious FuFu, what about MS's last console release would make you think that they wouldn't push a console out before it was ready?
I don't understand why they are even bothering releasing Watchdogs on ps3/360 when its going to be a ps4 launch game. Seems entirely pointless.
maybe im off here, but I dont really care about seeing the games right now, I know there will be more than I have time to play anyways.

the 360 changed how I consumed media in my living room, I want to see what they are going to do to move that to the next step.

The games will be there either way
Nothing Sony has to say about any of their consoles interests me in them. I still contend that Sony has no fucking clue what they're doing, and their meteoric success was nothing short than "being in the right place at the right time".

It took them ages to start turning a profit on the Playstation 2 hardware, I don't even know if they've stopped losing money on every Playstation 3 hardware. Their methodology on how to design a system and market is so wayward that I can't even wrap my brain around it. They drop an overpriced system with more horse power than it needs, that's difficult to program for, costs an asinine amount of money to port games over to and develop for, and then force consumers to purchase an overpriced medium for their games (Bluray on the PS3).

At no point do they stop and say, "Hey, we can accomplish a more profitable platform for development by using a more standardized development system, cheaper game medium, provide free development tools for the community, and provide a consumer base around game content created by the gamers for the gamers." Instead their logic seems to be more along the lines of, "FUCK. EVERYTHING."

Their concept of online everything fucking blows. No, seriously, I neither need nor want to play my PS4 from my mobile phone, tablet, or Vita. I play games made for the phone on my phone, I play games made for my tablet on my tablet, and I wouldn't buy a Vita because then it's nothing more than an overpriced gaming peripheral that would defeat the purpose of owning one even if I did.

On that note, did everyone suddenly forget about the whole "Oh yeah, we got hacked, again, see you next month." fiasco when everything Sony got royally fucked by a couple of hackers that took out the Playstation Network, hijacked an unspecified number of their customer's credit card numbers, and the user ID's of almost their entire online clients usernames, Emails, and passwords for their SOE games, not to mention their user data for their music purchasing website(s)?

Now these fuckwits want you to fork over your user IDs for sites like YouTube, Ustream, Facebook, and your cell phone number so they can butt plug your phone with whatever bullshit they find is relevant?

Speaking of relevant, their point of targeting you with ads and suggestions to games based off your playing habits pisses me off. What a disservice to your customer base by limiting the scope of their gaming experiences by deciding what they should like just because they bought X, Y, and Z. I like first person shooters, they've been my bread and butter for a long time now, but sometimes there's some great non-FPS' out there that are really good and that gave me hours of enjoyment.

I might be oversimplifying that, but the point still remains that when you take your user's preferences to heart, you'll narrow their scope of games that might actually be worth their time and dollar if they were just made aware of it. How many more Call of Battle Medal'd Honor's Field Duties do we need?

And I promise you the same audio-stream media playback fucktionality they had in the PS3 will be there in the PS4, leaving it as gimped of a media center as their PS3 was.

Lastly, when Metzon walked up on stage, I was actually surprised, I was hoping for some big bombshell of a game that was going to be really innovative, fun, and executed with the level of scrutiny that goes into a Blizzard game, hopefully something huge and online. But Diablo III? Seriously, Metzon might just as well have walked up on stage, dropped his drawers, and plopped a big fudge dragon right there on the stage before flashing the V for victory sign, and walked off.

The irony of that whole thing - Blizzard HAD a working controller support built into the fucking game but scrapped it, now I know why. What a turd of a game, you can fucking have it, Sony. Such a disappointment. There was no indication, but I would go as far as saying that I guarantee you that the PS4 version of Diablo III will not have Battle.net support, leaving players feeling even more regretful of their purchase than the PC players were, there just won't be nearly as many - fool me once.
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