Protesters get owned

Video didn't come up on the web site, they probably used up their bandwidth, but I get the idea.

Rush is ragging on the protestors during his radio show.
He's really ragging hard on Clinton and Jimmy Carter for going to leftist countries and bashing Bush.
NoGodForMe said:
Video didn't come up on the web site, they probably used up their bandwidth, but I get the idea.

Rush is ragging on the protestors during his radio show.
He's really ragging hard on Clinton and Jimmy Carter for going to leftist countries and bashing Bush.

Mabye he's just jellous that the Left has friends and the Right doesen't. :shrug:
We Live In A Country Founded
By Cheats, Murderers, Rapists, Thiefs

wish he woulda asked me why the US didnt do all that shit in the first gulf war.. answer is "CUZ WE DIDNT INVADE IRAQ DUMBASS!"
That was rather amusing.

I thought it was really funny when that psycho bitch got all pumped "oh, cos you're so educated and blah blah blah blah blah". I would've smacked her with the camera and then beat her to the ground with her goddamn anti-war sign.
JuSTCHiLLiN said:
Man, I have to disagree with you there. If people stop voicing their opinion then they lose the the right to have one.

There wasn't much to disagree or agree with - I was asking questions.
WHAT are they protesting, bush HASN't called for war yet, an we just fucking offered a chance for a new UN resolution.
AS Ridiculous as the UN is and as Ridiculous as their lil resoulutios are BUSH IS!!!!!!!! taking the fucking road of peace, hes just using the natural threat of violence cause its a known tactic and saddam seems "moved" now hes getting realllllllll scared, we won't take him alive, we will drop bomb on ALL of his palaces now, they will all be MAJOR targets, we know where hes at, boy you better believe that some of his generals are playing traitor and there are MAd defections from his ranks. No one here is gonna hear about em unless of course you are privy to the presidents intel briefings.

What all these NEO "hippies" are doing is not protesting the war but protesting against! the party that they are not party of, did you notice that they are all red star shirt wearing castro sateen wearing fruit cakes, they aren't calling for peace they are just against anything that the sane middle ground worl does!, these people are extremists at best. Most are interlopers no doubt over zealous college students at best, most of which haven't lived in the real world.

I call for the ban of hippies world wide.
Well how much time should the weapons inspectors have? 8 years? Because they've already had more than 8 years.

I think the old quy wanted to cry after he said that. :lol:
JuSTCHiLLiN said:
Yeah, who's going to protect the world from communism and/or terrorism if the US disarms? Stupid hippies.

considering many of these protests are paid for by the communists, I think US disarmament would play right in.