Project HD


Veteran X
Veteran XX
I'm starting to make some progress with the mjhirez plugin.

I'll be updating the directory often

I did some work on the lights and gave them a more creative touch. Looks great when they are re-layered indoors.

The walls for broadside I did manually
I actually used grooves lush dirt texture to create the marble trim on the floorboards



Also redid the iblocks because they were ugly added a stained emblem (credits to sgs for keeping the "circlething.psd" in his weapon pack)

I went with the ascend style logos with the marble border and painted plaque.




I hated how the floors upstairs looked on bside so I redid the tile to look more like the original

My next goal is to update the drop ships somehow.

HD Re-Texture
it looks better ingame really. I had to resize it to keep it inside the constraints of the middle section.

I'll probably go back to the stock emblem shapes and using the same texture combination.
Its kind of fun tho. I'm looking through google for textures and running into soo many that are used in the texture pack.

Anyway feel free to post textures you think would go well and where you would like to possibly see them ingame.
i couldn't find any decent lights and asked for help a few times and then just said fuckit

and yeah i used a ton of 'free textures' online that i'm sure you'll come across

and a few stolen from t:a and even some from s.t.a.l.k.e.r.
and yeah its kinda fun for the first while

let me know how much fun it is when you're on your 250th texture
well I found these on google. I think they would look great on the drop ships.








THis would look really good on the thruster areas

This one would probably look good as an interior since its darker and can absorb lighting hues better

And maybe a nice sky that matches the fog density of tribes

I would preferably like to use the ascend drop ship textures.

source(s): Neil Blevins Art Gallery
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large textures with fine details end up turning into blurry messes at short distances.

find the sweet spot. additionally, that blue + is too thin.

also try to make your PS bevels look less bad