Prints for Relief


Veteran XX
I have put together a collection of my prints that I am making available to contributors of the relief effort for victims of hurricane Katrina. I realize many of you have already donated and that's great. If you provide me with a donation receipt and its $10+ I will send you an 8"x10" for $8. If you haven't had the chance to donate yet you can through me and receive an 8"x10" photo of mine for your efforts. I am charging $15 ($5 to cover printing, I will front the shipping charge, and $10 will go towards a fund of your choice). I will not be profiting from this at all. Everyone who donates through me will receive a donation receipt as validation. If you’re still not interested, please pass the link around.

You will find a thumbnail view of my photos there. You can click on them for a bigger sample. I don’t know how much I will be able to generate, but hopefully over time a little here and there will add up. Thanks for you time.
Hey how are you accommodating the printing aspect? Depending on the situation as far as that goes, I'd be willing to make some of my shots available for you to offer as well.
uncle silas said:
I like your shots. I hope this goes well!

I hope so too. I just need more exposure.

Zombee said:
Hey how are you accommodating the printing aspect? Depending on the situation as far as that goes, I'd be willing to make some of my shots available for you to offer as well.

If you send me some samples at a ratio of 3:2 so like (876x584) then I will gladly put them on my site under your name. If you also send me the large files I can handle the printing and shipping.

k-rex said:
I like the first couple froggy ones. Great juxtaposition of textures.

werd, it was quite a random shoot.
Hey those are pretty cool. I'm so poor in college right now I can't afford to help out other than my red cross donation. I'll spread the word though if i can.
That's Very understandable KW. I know people will also be less likely to donate because of the recent gas price influx.