Posting from my PC

I send packets from my cabin to a remote host via writing the IP/TCP headers and payload on a piece of paper and giving it to a carrier pidgeon, which flies back into the city and drops the slip of paper into a machine that processes it and sends it out into the Internets

holy fuck. i want one
[15:19:02] <+Ascoe> those are some fast pigeons
[15:19:17] <Oddity> yeah they have rocket-boosters strapped on their backs
Im posting using sign language.

posting from a public (lolol) pc in Pärnu, Estonia...
I just paid 15 krons = a dollar for 30 minutes of sweet internet, might try the free wireless service in the town centre tomorrow.

Kinda happy to leave the usual christmas frenzy of my homeland (finland) behind, and come here where yuletide beers are priced reasonably and everything is still magic to me. :)