Post your landlord stories here...

Paid my landlord of the 1st and here it is the 14th and the fucker still hasnt cashed the check. Had a roommate move out and left a few holes in the wall and the landlord refused to come by to check it out. Anyone else have this sort of shit happen to them?
That's what I am beginning to think. If you can't cash a check within a half month after receiving it... at your own fucking house, in your own mail slot. Then you should be curb stomped and have the check cancelled.
one time i lived next to my landlord... he mowed my lawn... with his shirt off...

Oh god...

My parents and I move into a house as I go into High school. We were paying like $1200 for a 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath house near Pasadena which is actually a pretty good price. Anyway here's the good part, the landlords were some pretty old Cubans and they wanted to check out the house after about 3 years to see the shape it was in. The Mom who was like 85-90 loved the shape we were keeping it in and told the son to lower our rent $50...yes...LOWER OUR RENT. We were siked. Then she dies about a month later and the son comes back and raises it $100. So it's up to $1250 now. No big deal, kinda stupid to lower it $50 in the first place though.
6 Months pass and they say they want to move back in (the son and dad) because the dad is old and wants to be in his original house he built when he dies. IT was a nice gesture by them to wait till I graduated to force us out but we we're still kind of at a loss. Then on the day before we do the son goes, wow I wish we could just go back to the way things were. Too late, we already got a condo in Pasadena within walking distance from my moms work...for $1500.
Anyway I go to pick up some mail that was accidently sent there like 3 months later. A new family has moved in and the dad and son are still living next door in the extra house. I asked them how much their rent was and they said $1450.
What morons, they could've kept good tenants and asked us to pay more. We wound up paying $1500 anyway! They could've saved themselves and us trouble. Fucking lying sacks of shit.

-Never trust a Cuban
I've had two sets of tenants. First set was shit, they left the place pretty messy and tried to do a runner. But I got em and I got my money.

Second tenant is the government - they pay on time always, it's real good :D
My story is from when I first moved to Pasadena with my family too, Adroit. Our house was located behind our landlords'. The wife would always be outside in a night gown with curlers in her hair smoking cigarettes and drinking coffe. The husband did shoe repair and would come home at about five or six p.m. and garden for several hours. We would have to plan our showers to avoid showering while he used the hose because of shit water pressure. He would always wear vertically stripped black and white shirts. They also spoke in very odd manners.
Kelven said:
pay him in cash

Not a bad idea. I'm hoping though that he is dumb enough to have lost the check and just say fuck it instead of having to ask me to write another. He's just that lazy.
my landlord told me how the prev tennant would clog the septic pump over and over with condoms... he opened it up once and found dozens of condoms just jammed up inthe pump.

that is pretty gross
I had this landlord that we used to call "Slippery Pete", heres why:

Me and my friends found this apt and we were set to move in once we came back from break. It was a 2 apt house, and we were going to move in upstairs (the downstairs was currently being worked on). Right before we go on break, the landlord calls us and asks if we would be interested in taking the downstairs. We tell him we still want the upstairs and that is that.

We come back from break and when we go to move in the landlords brother in law brings the key for the downstairs apt. I'm like ummm, thats not the right key were supposed to be upstairs. The douchebag gives me some shit about "Oh didn't John tell you we can't rent out the upstairs? Someone else wants to move in there". This is after we had already put a down payment on the upstairs mind you. After a bunch of bitching, and looking around the downstairs we agree to move in. It was either that or have no where to sleep that night.

The house was fucking filthy when moved in. The previous renters must have had pets because there was dog food scatered in the fridge and dog shit on the back stair well. There was a bunch of other shit on the rear stairwell too, looked like stuff the landlords just wanted to move out of the main area.

There were a bunch of other problems with the place. We'd call up the landlord and he tell us to call him back on Friday when he was in the area. We'd show him a list of all the shit wrong with the place and he wouldnt fix any of it.

This was my first experience renting and even though it was shitty I still learned a lot and had fun. The one nice thing about the house was that it was big and great for parties, I've got a lot of good memories there.
My landlord right now is a total milf. She doesn't do a whole lot though. She doesnt live at the apartment complex, so she leaves everyday to go home early. It's next to impossible to find her in the afternoon.
Some buddies of mine in college rented a house from a wiccan artist. She had painted the interior all different colors. Not solid colors either. The kitchen was green with black stripes. The living room purple with yellow stars, etc. Truly hideous house, but you couldn't say it wasn't unique. She apparently lived in an apartment over the garage.

One particular evening they threw a party and she told them to keep it down. They didn't really comply. Two days later they came home and found shit everywhere. And I mean shit, as in human feces. It was all over the floor, smeared on some walls, and one guy found some in his shoes in his closet.

Naturally they blamed the wiccan landlord for some weird witch ritual of revenge. Turned out it was actually one of their roommates who apparently gets irritable bowel syndrome when he drinks a bottle of vodka.
Hmm... my landlords started off great. They were there the first week trying to fix everything up (plumbing was fucked) They didnt clean out the mold from in the washroom mind you. Shit was decent for the first month they were over about once a week cleaning up. After that they had the furnace replaced, and there in started the problems.

We have a small place, and to get the furnace out they had to move our tv, to cut a wall out so they can move it. That was October. The hole is still behind the TV. On the other side of that hole is NinjaFetus' bedroom (ahhh the pranks pulled because of it) but yeah the guy cant keep people out of his room.

In January, our water heater broke, so I called mr landlord. and he came over trying to fix it. Its an older model where the pilot light needs to be lit by hand... so mr. landlord thinks "fuck it I'll light it myself", so he runs the gas for about a minute, sticks his face up to the hole that hes about to light the flame with. As he was doing that I'm sitting on NinjaFetus' bed and told him not only was he doing it wrong but he shouldnt stick his face there (I've lit the things before). So needless to say a mini blast of flames come out of the bottom and burns all his facial hair and most of the hair off the top of his head. I sat there laughing my fucking ass off.

I have a billon stories about landlords, like my previous one that was on speed constantally and was fired by having a lady from the company along with 2 bodyguards and a bulletproof vest walk up to him and I while we were enjoying a nice joint. but no more time for me I'm supposed to be programming :).