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.Keyser Soze

- 08-17-2007, 08:53 AM

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what up man. I play on US East, my account is thrice11rc. I should be on a lot this weekend if you want to get together, I could really use a rush if you could help. Trying to build up a MF OrbSorc at the moment to help out my other characters. Get back to me whenever.
.Keyser Soze is online now
i'm sure there were earlier ones that have been deleted, but..
Private Message: SC Vods
Techno Beat

- 04-13-2004, 03:07 PM

Its my personal FTP so I'd rather not post it on the forums.

Arang[P] vs Elky[T] is a good one, They are in the VODS folder.

Feel free to upload and Download anything you like.

i used to have to delete them like crazyness else i couldn't get any. but i have a box that can take like 10k msgs now so its all good. oldest i have.

- 06-21-2005, 07:33 PM
Bodom said:
Beren said:
Bodom said:
I made it so I had something for browsing while at work/at lab

if you want to ban it go ahead it was never meant to get around bans or anything (as i havent been banned in quite some time)

i just forgot my password and cant remember the email addy.

heres the emails im thinking were used

removed (host crapped out aka no more email)
whoracle or removed (wiped the box on both)

email was removed

password is now "bugger"
love you much

That's the oldest I've kept. (I made a thread about it ages ago)

Had to delete lots cos I can only have 70.
juicyfrys - 2-10-04

Hey, I saw you went to UAT. I got accepted a few weeks ago and I'm going there next school year. I was just wondering what it was like, and if you enjoyed it. Of course I have many others questions but can't really think of them right now.


- 10-20-2007, 03:25 PM

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ill talk when i want to talk. And the reason it sounded bad was due to a bad mic and messed up volume controls. Should be fixed now.

that was after i made fun of how tahnit sounded when we were playing tf2
- 11-08-2004, 03:34 AM

BloodHawk said:
Littlex said:
Just ask me something and ill try to answer.

I am looking for the details on how to receive information from the Tribes dedicated server. I will be trying to do this using .Net and ASP.Net.

Any information on the specifics of how to query the server or how to interpret (parse) the results would be appreciated.


- 02-19-2003, 02:53 AM


- 10-06-2001, 01:19 PM

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yea homer
i just saw youre the most recent guy to sign up
ok bye
Colosus said:
Rooster! said:
Hey, if I send 20.00 can I get Gigafools title changed to "I suck dicks and <3 to guzzle manchowder"?

No. That is not an appropriate title.

:lol: this is from 12-16-2003. I can only imagine the stupidity he posted to get me to want to pony up 20.00 to change his title.
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