[Poll] How many people have an IT-related job?

[X] I work with/on computers
[ ] I only have a computer at home
[ ] I am a student
[ ] Working is for dump/poor people
[X] I have at least 8===============D
[x] I work with/on computers as a Programmer/Analyst
[ ] I only have a computer at home
[ ] I am a student
[ ] Working is for dump/poor people
[x] I have at least 3===============D
ParoxysM said:
Obviously the ones to reply first do...

[ X] I work with/on computers
[ ] I only have a computer at home
[ ] I am a student
[ ] Working is for dump/poor people
[ ] I have at least 8===============D

I have 3 working at a time at home, and a ton at work.
ParoxysM said:
Obviously the ones to reply first do...

[X] I work with/on computers
[ ] I only have a computer at home
[ ] I am a student
[X] Working is for dump/poor people
[X] I have at least 8===============D