Poll: Do you regularly use tobacco

Sift said:
that's a lot of god damn cigarettes

how can somebody afford 300 packs of cigarettes a month

that's a lot of garbage too...

I smoke about a half a pack now.. I sleep a lot more and my commute is 5 mins.. I used to smoke 1 1/2 to 2 packs a few months back but I'd sleep maybe 5-6 hours and my commute was usually an hour. I'd kill about 10 smokes one way...

I honestly /enjoy/ smoking, however the exhuberant price of canadian smokes is forcing me to seriously consider considering to quit

holy crap thats me exactly, except for the canadian part, except for 2 weeks every summer.

Canadian smokes are funny though, with pics of tumors, miscarriges, lungs..etc
vawlk said:
holy crap thats me exactly, except for the canadian part, except for 2 weeks every summer.

Canadian smokes are funny though, with pics of tumors, miscarriges, lungs..etc

hehehe, yea... there's one that I totally love tho:


my buddies and i at my old work would had this thing.. wed always watch the stupid commercial with the lady dying of cancer, and we'd go to work pretending to have cancer or somethin. so I'd take my pack of smokes and put it up to my face and talk like the lady in the commercial...

you.... you dont know what its like! i picked out the music for my own funeral... i've DEVASTATED my husband of 20 years, and my children.. its not worth the cigarettes!

hehe.. fun times... oh well

oh.. aside from that one, the coolest one by far is the "smoking causes impotence" one.
pack and a half a day usually, i need to quit my lungs are going to shit

edit : im curious as to what brand most ppl smoke, i stick with kools and marlboro red 100's
No. Every once in a while I'll take a drag or two when drunk and/or high. That's the extent of my tobacco usage.
El Scorcho said:
pack and a half a day usually, i need to quit my lungs are going to shit

edit : im curious as to what brand most ppl smoke, i stick with kools and marlboro red 100's

werd. i bought 3 packs yesterday and im on my third now.

i smoke newports.