please ban SonofFelix aka mstrike

Jislan said:
what the shit is going on

SonofFelix = mstrike
Slumber Party = baby bew

Baby Bew is angry he got banned, so he's going to "make the forum pay."

And in the process probably get a permaban.
Slumber Party said:
dwarfvader=wife beater

I'm just curious where the hell that comes from in your twisted little fucking skull?

oh, and this is the one and only time I'll acknowledge it.
I never really found bew that annoying, but I had him pignored because him and pueswah boy or whatever would be the first two people to respond to EVERY thread. The sheer number of posts was annoying I guess.
DwarfVader said:
I'm just curious where the hell that comes from in your twisted little fucking skull?

oh, and this is the one and only time I'll acknowledge it.
you're acknowledging the fact that you beat your wife?

sound good