Play Dwarf Fortress you faggots. (look at my ugly shit fortress!)

I know a lot of people like it, but am I the only one here that just cannot get into this game?

I fully support you guys playing games you enjoy. I'm just curious as to whether only ppl that enjoy DF come into DF threads or if everyone but me enjoys it.
i don't care for it either
Spin, make you a new fortress
name people from tw in it

tell us a story
thats how these threads take off like a zippidy doo da plane
Fuck my worthless piece of shit desktop, I still owe you lots a fortress, actually I might wait on lycanthrophy to get integrated.
I've tried to get into DF twice.

But the wiki, documentation, and videos are woefully insufficient to overcome the burden of trail and error.

Dont get me wrong, I like adversity, I like having shit blow up in my face at the beginning of games cause I'm a newb. That's what drives me forward in very complex games (xcom on insane, for example).

But with DF, its not the challange, or skill level, or even any kind of game-skill learning curve, its the retarded clunky fucking UI that's the problem. Keep the ASCII graphics, ok, sure. But revise the fucking menu system, cause it seems like a VCR manual writer came up with the damn menu system...and Ill be damned if ANYONE has laid out a good menu map for DF yet.

Nerds just can't write/communicate well. Sadly, that's the only beast that has mastered this heavily tarnished (read: unpolished) game.
Clean your fort up, jfc.

Waiting for the next big release to get back into it. Army arc is going to be sick.
Fuck this I'm not getting started on DF again it's worse than crack mixed with morrowind rolled up in WoW
My amazing fortress fell victim to a lava flow accident right after I had purged my old saves. Infuriated me, I'll never play again.
:lol: collapsed my whole fortress once, was making caverns I found bigger then the whole placed drop on top of my poor little miner.
They should just make a Dwarf Fortress MMO where YOU ARE THE DWARF!!!

It should be a roguelike.
Adventure Mode!

Took me a few tries, still not sure how to equip the looted clothes.

Day 1: Woke up in a strange Human town. Talked with one of the locals and was told that they've been having some trouble with a nearby bandit, Lasiv Fanutamun.

On my way out of town I picked up some chert rocks and sharpened them.

Afternoon: Ran into Lasiv and his crony. Dispatched both by sneaking up to them in this bad weather and pelting them with sharpened chert until unconscious, then strangulation until dead. On my way back to town, proud owner of a new steel battle axe and iron crossbow.

Late Afternoon: On my way back was ambushed by a pair of lunatics screaming something about the "Visions of Organization." Two on one could have spelled the end of me were it not for a friendly nearby Giraffe which kicked one of them in the head and tore apart his brain. I managed to dispatch the other using my new steel axe.

Night: Still not back in town, I can hear things out there, cackling. Going to have to be extra quiet if I'm to make it back to town safely.

Midnight: Found my way back and snuck into a farmer's house, I was fast asleep when he woke me up demanding to know what I was doing there. Luckily Ecsha Vicubugi, the Human Cheese Maker turned out to be the charitable sort and allowed me to stay the night.
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