Planned Downtime Tonight


Yankee said:
so , why the switch from Homelan to SCI?
I'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.
SCI was one of HomeLAN's competitors when America's Army launched as hosts of official servers. SCI later got the whole contract and everyone CONSTANTLY complained about ping, lag, etc (Worse then anything you guys have ever seen from HomeLAN). Don't know if it ever got better, but there was a good 3 months where SCI servers were complete garbage to play on.
Don't know if TW moved to SCI because they wanted to or if HomeLAN gave them the boot.
Oh I'm starting a clock counting down to when TW is hosted at HomeLAN again.
(BTW, I'm no longer a HomeLAN employee, so there's not *too* much bias in my statement).
i was wondering what happened to your homelan tags, i was thinking to myself - wow thats kind of petty, move servers and remove the HL guys tags, ouch