Picture Thread >:o

No but really....we should all have titles...cause..we are all special...i would have been a vet if i didnt forget my name :( haha im so stupid its almost comical
I know ur gonna luv this one ;)

Yes im talking about your pic WTF, ....but never mind...

Just dont hurt me...i dont think i could take more than one good smack to the shoulder...i might shatter

5' 6", 95 lbs, start the laughing
my metabolism is like a rabid gerbil :( i hate it...i know it is unhealthy...im tired of being so skinny..but i cant gain weight..it sucks..
I just ate 14 slices of sausage pizza and look at my pic. I have a fucking retarded metabolism. I went from 130-190 in about 2 years from working out. Now I'm like 160 cause I don't work out =\
Yeah it sucks.....im just bones and some muscle and skin, it hurts to punch me. I have no muscle to harm so people just hit bone and hurt themselves...like some sort of oddly disgusting defense..