[PICS] Very Interesting, a must see!

Now i know other games can get this but only if you find them of the internet, this specific file was loaded with the game!

This screenshot i took was of a game that i just installed for no particular reason. I was just bored at the time and needed a new game to play other than tribes.

But while i was configuring my controls i came across this!

A must see, also i didn't install any hacks it came with the game! Can you guess what it is before you open the file?

This was for the days when the mouse was used to look left/right, but not up/down very much. It was for single player.
Barbarian said:
This was for the days when the mouse was used to look left/right, but not up/down very much. It was for single player.

Yeah I remember in Doom/Quake if you were lined up with a monster that was either below or above you, you'd still hit them even if you weren't actually looking up or down at them.
Hah, that's the original unreal. I have that game. Fucking multiplayer was the worst ever. Fucking lag so fucking bad it's amazing.
Nessal said:
Hah, that's the original unreal. I have that game. Fucking multiplayer was the worst ever. Fucking lag so fucking bad it's amazing.

so I hope you didn't like UT as well...
So I guess this thread wasn't intended as a joke, it just turned out that way.

Lots of early FPS had that option (not sure how many still do), it just lets your targeting cross hair jump to the center of the enemies body. GoldenEye 64 had it, I always shut it off because it would make it hard to get a head shot because your reticle would always snap to the torso.

It is just a option for people that really suck at FPS and can't hit shit so they need the game to hold their hand for aiming.