[PIC] So what you saying China?

Congrats to China for landing on the Moon. It's a great accomplishment. One I respect. With that said what exactly in the fuck is China saying in this here pic. Anyone with functioning eyes can clearly see a nuke going off.

Perhaps China would like to clue the rest of everyone else in on what was meant by that?



- China landed on Moon.
- China shows rover thing in front of a graphic depicting a nuclear weapon going off.
- Discuss.
- Fuck bitches with sandpaper.
- Profit?

p.s. the circled area is wrong, try moving it up quite a bit.

By all means please elaborate.

It's a stock photo.

Yes because official agency's include a big assed nuclear weapon going off just for the hell of it.


Also sigbot'd because fuck you.

I apologize for you not having any use of any cognitive functions other than a waste of your time while not contributing anything of worth.
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I am celibate but thanks for the offer.

I'd love to argue your contributions to the gif thread along with your immense contributions as far as smiley's are concerned but I can not. It would seem that you are a gift that keeps giving. May God Bless You and Yours.

So yeah wtf China. Why bomb where you show? Why not bomb DC? Considering the number game that is running and a bunch of a whole bunch of other variables I sincerely believe there is some fuck shit going on the common man is clueless to for the most part.

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How is that the best picture someone could get of the poster that apparently has a nuke going off? If you stand there looking at it I bet is doesn't look like a nuke at all, some people just see explosions everywhere.
No hard feelings HelenKeller. Thinking isn't for everyone. You can always hope though. :sunny:

EDIT: I suck at photoshop but can anyone who knows how to use photoshop superimpose the nuke pic on the map so we could better see wtf we are looking at?