[PHYSICS] Tribal style.


Veteran XX
Im kind of curious, but in T1 when it came to the physics, were they .. realistic values? I guess like on a descent, were you (if skiing) having 0 friction, plus your mass of your armor and your velocity initial + gravity acceleration? I mean I know it was a flight sim engine.

Did we ever see the actual physics model used in Tribes?

If that was the case then it would be safe to say that all the jetpacks were the same vector velocity, but if you had a heavier mass (HO) going at a faster speed , it would be harder to control?

I wonder if they inputted like actual real world values .. like 9.8 for gravity on frictionless incline and each of the armors had a mass. I would think if they did aside from graphical feel of an engine (FoV for instance makes a user subjectively feel they can be going faster/slower) it shouldnt be too hard to replicate.

Mid morning musings
good start to a discussion. I mean the reason I got thinking about it was reading all the different posts in it feels too slow, floaty, just right, needs to be faster. I mean they are all subjective.

So I was thinking if the physics were based exactly the same as T1 but on a different engine I guarantee that if you had a test group no one would think it was the same, except that they are. So I was wondering if anyone had dealt actually with the physics from the game.
well i mean in terms of numbers. Like youre Heavy armor obviously has a larger mass, your downard acceleration + your mass, on skiing friction (0) + your initial velocity? It seems like when everyone tries to replicate this, they dont do it right. Its like they are circumventing the natural physics trying to replicate the feel of T1.

I dont know Im just thinking (posting ) out loud.
Read the 4 parts on physics

Andrew replicated the tribes physics, and it was implemented by Arcanox in his mod. Worked well in that mod. Link may answer some of your questions (I have no idea if it will)