Photoshop this week in war.

CoBalt said:

:lol: ns
Dumpy Dooby said:
i don't get reno's. can someone explain it?
Those two guys were originally in a pic at a rally race with a ford focus barrelling towards them at some ridiculous rate of speed for a dirt road.
Mangle-Me-Elmo said:
no it wasnt..


post the pic
I don't have the original, but there was a focus behind to the left coming towards the camera, and the camera was right at the apex of the turn, with the fans on the inside edge.
Dumpy Dooby said:
heh. i meant triple's. i am now 10* more stupider.
and i just spent the past 10 min comparing and contrasting the origonal and triple's. i'm so confused. my head hurts :(

if you dont get it, im sorry.

ask your parents what it means.
triple said:
if you dont get it, im sorry.

ask your parents what it means.
Yours is extremely subtle. It took me a couple minutes, even having the original right next to yours to find it.