Photoshop Contest: Tribes as Sport

give me a minute. ill edit when im done

figure skater - me
swimming - InfamousButcher
pie eating - Sir Lucius
sky diver - Vyrotek
marweas 2004 - me
TTR - Sir Lucius
golf - Got Haggis?
chess - Yaason
curling - me
volleyball - Yaason
uva - Vyrotek
ping pong - VektorX

And put in hts' too, cuz that sounded good even though I get a redx and can't see it

on the photoshops: i find the hardest part of doing this is coming up with an original idea, the actual photoshops take 5 minutes and are a breeze.. so yea, concept > technical skill.
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triple said:
photoshops that need to be in there:

figure skater
pie eating
field goal
sky diver
marweas 2004
curling (fav of my entries)
uva, even though its not a sport
ping pong

everything else is pure crap

figure skating=no.. there is no skate..
field goal=no
curling =def no(not even facing the rock...)
ping pong was kinda cheating 'cause it was a 3d world to begin with
uva didnt meet requirements
volleyball=nothing special
golf is just a player model on a golf course, doesnt even look like it is playing

the REAL list:
go carts
nerd after winning a tribes competition
skateboarding(it was late though)
bird hunting with iffs
chess(not a sport but well done)
ttr(not totally a sport thgopuh
sync swimming
pie(if a sport)
fishing by level3

there were a LOT of great photoshops.. but.. many were just photoshops of tribes material into real world environments. The title said "tribes as sport"
triple said:
I put in everything that got a decent laugh out of posters. That's what matters can.

no sir. This thread was not called, Photoshop Contest: Anything tribes related
A humorous concept will make people laugh. But that doesn't make it a good photoshop job.
Tribalbob said:

they need hobby horses to horserace.
triple said:
Do tribers need skis to ski?
stop trying to validate your crappy photoshopping. The basic images would have made a great photoshop, but your implementation wasn't good.
cAn said:
stop trying to validate your crappy photoshopping. The basic images would have made a great photoshop, but your implementation wasn't good.

Crappy photoshoppin.. more like "who the fuck cares". First id have to find a source pic that was at the exact angle, or at least one that I could flip around and rotate. That would take a good 5 minutes, at least. The actual act of ps'n it in wouldn't be that difficult, but its maximum effort for minimal effect. Sorry. You gonna bitch about the lighting innacuracy nexT?
I just think that the ones that have the best technical skill + humour ratio are the ones that should win. The skateboarding one is kickass.
O. M. G.

I got back from Europe late last night, and this was the first TW thread I read since being away for a week. What a treat! I think you should keep this going a bit longer - all the entries are great, and are the very realization of an ad campaign idea I had (thanks Imp!).

I will not use these as the actual ads, of course, but I will definitely show them to the agency as inspiration. Not sure if this is the direction we'll go, but it is absolutely hillarious.

I especially laughed at 1) Chess 2) Ping Pong 3) Tribes playing Tribes although I liked all the other ones too.
Marweas said:
O. M. G.

I got back from Europe late last night, and this was the first TW thread I read since being away for a week. What a treat! I think you should keep this going a bit longer - all the entries are great, and are the very realization of an ad campaign idea I had (thanks Imp!).

I will not use these as the actual ads, of course, but I will definitely show them to the agency as inspiration. Not sure if this is the direction we'll go, but it is absolutely hillarious.

I especially laughed at 1) Chess 2) Ping Pong 3) Tribes playing Tribes although I liked all the other ones too.

Sweet that was what I was thinking as well, I sent you an email about this thread ;)