[Photography] Show and Tell Spring 2011 Edition

I know this will sound wierd, but get some parsley and crush it and rub it all over your hands. It works for a shitload of kitchen smells.
Bicarbonate of soda in a bowl, place hands in, leave for about 24 hours ... should do the trick :D
my wife has decided that we need to get a good dSLR to take pictures of our kid. I don't really know much about photography, but I'm kinda interested in learning. since my father has a Nikon D80 I was thinking I'd get a D90 or D7000 so I could borrow his lenses from time to time. people seem to have really good things to say about both of these models. which one should I get? do they have enough automatic modes that my wife, who is sometimes reluctant to learn anything new regarding technology, can kinda point and shoot with it?
Camera feature search: Digital Photography Review

edit: long exposure shot. kinda hard to get boats to stay still in the water :(
I took these at the beach by my house a couple months ago... It was still chilly and it was along my run.

Oh, this is from my camera phone, droid X.









I am not no pro or anything obviously it's with my phone, I just enjoy taking pictures!