perro, come watch the office.


Veteran XV
Teedub. I have hijacked perro's account because we need your help. We have to convince him to come watch the office and eat pie.

The situation is dire.
shit [shit] Show IPA noun, verb, shit or shat, shit⋅ting, interjection Vulgar.
–noun 1. excrement; feces.
2. an act of defecating; evacuation.
3. the shits. diarrhea.
4. Slang. pretense, lies, exaggeration, or nonsense.
5. Slang. something inferior or worthless.
6. Slang. a selfish, mean, or otherwise contemptible person.
7. Slang. narcotic drugs, esp. heroin or marijuana.
8. Slang. possessions, equipment, mementos, etc.; stuff.

–verb (used without object) 9. to defecate.

–verb (used with object) 10. Slang. to exaggerate or lie to.

–interjection 11. Slang. (used to express disgust, disappointment, frustration, contempt, or the like).

—Idioms12. give a shit, Slang. to care; be concerned.
13. no shit, (used to express amazement, incredulity, or derision).
14. up shit creek, Slang. in a desperate or hopeless situation; in serious trouble. Also, up shits creek, up shit creek without a paddle.

(v.) var. (with short i from ptp. or n.) of earlier shite, ME shiten, OE scītan; cf. MLG, MD schiten (D schijten), OHG skīzan (G scheissen); (n.) re-formation from the v., or continuation of OE scite (in place names) Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.
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