[PC] Valheim on Steam is a surprise hit

Im not into survival games and I think I got my money's worth. If you don't end up going for it now, definitely consider it in the future.
Depends what you like. If you like Skyrim / Oblivion type running around in open world then well worth the price.

I'm about to go on my first Troll hunt. I culled most of my boar farm as keeping them fed was becoming a chore. Most likely I had too many boars (20+) for my little level 7 dude to keep up with.
Depends what you like. If you like Skyrim / Oblivion type running around in open world then well worth the price.

I'm about to go on my first Troll hunt. I culled most of my boar farm as keeping them fed was becoming a chore. Most likely I had too many boars (20+) for my little level 7 dude to keep up with.

Yeah, I just recently trapped and started with some (just because), but I'm not really seeing the point of farming pigs... you're either out and about collecting food for the pigs, (to turn into food for yourself) or while you're there, you can just... bag some pigs in the wild, and eat the berries and mushrooms (or cook them into something better). Also some deer, and some Necks, which give you a different food source as well.
I'm thinking it's likely a good way to use the excess berries and mushrooms on pigs. Eventually I'll get a balance of how many pigs to keep. One upside is I can run quickly thought the forest without wasting time on pigs.

I made some near dead straight roads with leveling tool and I've found them kind of handy for covering long distances back and forth.
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I'm cooking blue/raspberries into jam, which is a pretty good food so I don't really have much of an 'excess' there. Mushrooms I'll just eat raw if I'm out of better options.

I haven't really found myself lacking in meat, so far at least it's been pretty plentiful in the wild.
don't you need something other than just a fire and cooking rack for cooking mushrooms?

Im guessing dandelions do something as well. I don't know what, but i have a crap load
u can put a cooking rack and a cauldron over the same fire
but i just built 2 fireplaces
fuck the man
u can put a cooking rack and a cauldron over the same fire
but i just built 2 fireplaces
fuck the man

You can stack like... 5 racks over a fire. If you look at those screenies, I have 2 with the cauldron at mine. Dandelions are part of some mead recipes - bronze required there.
I haven't unlocked that skill yet.

Morning at the bay:

Ahoy there:

Won't log off while sitting on a raft again. Logged back in and in water. Couldn't climb back on.
the grind got atrocious. we had a server where the bosses were all spawned on seperate islands anf the 2nd boss was surrounded by the biome the last boss is supposed to be in. ITs becoming frustrating to the point i no longer care enough to play lol
I think you're going to have a lot of people that play this game just to buld bases. The only reason they will go after bosses is because it gets them to a level to open up new things to build.

I have been down a youtube rabbithole on base builds. Some guys have spent a hell of a lot of time not only building, but decorating both inside and out of their house in game
ya yeah.

Go out to youtube and look at how much time and effort these people have put into making their Valheim mansions, complete with enclosed dock, livestock pens underground mead distilleries, or massive treehouses people are building, that has full color wall tapestries, bedrooms, living rooms, great halls.
I haven't exactly been looking, but I did see one out there where some guys had basically built a whole city - stone streets, individual buildings everywhere, trees planted in little garden type jobs...
the grind got atrocious. we had a server where the bosses were all spawned on seperate islands anf the 2nd boss was surrounded by the biome the last boss is supposed to be in. ITs becoming frustrating to the point i no longer care enough to play lol

Yeah, some of the seeds are rough. There's a move to find the easiest/best seeds and move all items collected to a new seed world.
man this is what people spend their time on? finding a new random number to grow pigs for? that's not a game that's a cry of mortal terror at the sight of sunrise
Does anyone know how to change your forsaken power?

I recovered all my loot after HOURS! It was so frustrating. Im well stocked and in good shape. I've sound some swamp land, but just tiny plots of it. Im going to sail around and find some more.

If I started a new game I'd advance so much faster a 2nd time around.
Yeah, some of the seeds are rough. There's a move to find the easiest/best seeds and move all items collected to a new seed world.

yeh i literally started a solo game and have 0 of the issues i have on the dedicated. They want to use my local server to kil the second boss because they dont want to just make the server reseed. i dunno. seems like i do alot of workarounds to play a game that was supposed to be fun. meh