[PC] GPU dide, now in mourning.


Veteran X
Good timing tbh, with cyber Monday deals in a couple of weeks. It sucks that it's dying, but it's about time for an upgrade anyways. Built the whole rig about 4-5 years ago with an MSI r9 390x 8GB. It has started melting 8 pin connectors on the same spot on 3 different cables. At first I replaced the non modular PSU with a modular one thinking the bronze standard PSU was the culprit. The second time it happened I was pissed, but replaced the cable and added some more fans thinking maybe I was having heat control issues. Third time it's now happening, I'm assuming it's the GPU itself with my meager PC knowledge. Gonna replace the cable yet again (glad I upgraded to modular) and start looking at a new card. It wasn't what I was planning on, but if it was gonna go at any time of year, at least it's in November. Budget is under $400, preferred under 3 if I'm honest. Don't need amazing 4k output that's gonna bottleneck at my monitor anyways. Was eyeballing around while shitting and on lunch breaks, thinking about the RX radeon 5700 xt, it will likely drop down to like $250 for cybersecks funday. Any decent GPU suggestions that I should consider within that price range I mentioned earlier? My monitor is already freesync capable, ultrawide curved, so I'm not really all too interested in Gsync if I'm honest.
You need a tldr?

GPU melting 8 pins
Replaced cables and PSU, upgraded fans
Still happening, GPU?
Shopping around for new GPU $400 ceiling
I'd suggest holding off for a little if you can, 3070 has just been opened up for pre-orders at around the $550 mark. 3060 will probably be following within the next month or so, I'd guess - prob late November to be available in big numbers by Christmas. That'll likely be closer to the price bracket you're looking at, especially if you can be a good boy and save a few extra bucks between now and then.
Id like to see the melted or melting cables. I've never heard of something like this happening.

Have you removed the cooler to the GPU and checked all the connections between the power port and the card?
I'm out of touch with GPU prices but $300 - $400 sounds very cheap. I could smell the GTX 570 when it burnt out a few years ago.
I'd suggest holding off for a little if you can, 3070 has just been opened up for pre-orders at around the $550 mark. 3060 will probably be following within the next month or so, I'd guess - prob late November to be available in big numbers by Christmas. That'll likely be closer to the price bracket you're looking at, especially if you can be a good boy and save a few extra bucks between now and then.

This wasn't an expense I was saving for to begin with, so if I can get it on a cyber Monday deals I will. Otherwise my pc will just be SOL until I have the inclination to probably make a new build altogether.
400 bucks jesus u might be able to get a cookie for that budget

hamster probably right, wait for 3060

i wouldnt touch any of AMDs new cards until they get released and we can get some real benchmarks and even then i probably still wouldnt
Have those hands ever seen a day of hard work?


Can you solder a new plug on? Remove the side of the case and point a huge fan at it.

Something like this:

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Amazon.com : AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT

This is the budget card I'm leaning towards currently. I'm not really trying to have buying a new card be a hit to my budget anyways, if I was going to up my price range past $300ish I would perpetually wait for the next great card just around the corner and build around that. This is more a patching to get my PC running again so I can play my strategy games (TW, Stellaris, CK3 ect) and fuck around on league/apex like usual.
"past 300" for the "next great card" what are you smoking

midrange cards are 700-800 bucks now

this isnt the mid 2000s