[PAX 2010] Sept 3-5th: Who is going?

Was a pleasure meeting BugsPray, Waterbottle, ENIGma, and Severin (among many others) last year. I highly recommend going to PAX, Seattle is awesome and the event is a great time.

I really wish I could attend this year :(
<3 fish.

If anyone is interested in grabbing a beer or dinner or something, post. Not gonna organize anything unless we have people who will show. It will also probably be Saturday evening.
Seattle has great beer, great food, and fun bars. Also, find a way to make it to some after parties. DO IT

/me is excited to hear Red5's announcements.

Sad part is that Alienware contacted my organization looking for emcee talent for their booth, but a partner of mine said we didn't have time. By the time I saw the message, it was already too late. I coulda been paid to go :(
I'm down for whatever, just post here or PM me or something. I may or may not be helping run some of the console tourneys on Saturday night but I am trying to get all my work in on Friday.

I'm going to be there bright and early, I love being an Enforcer I get in like 2 hours before most people. :p
i'll be at dragon con WISHING i was at pax. god. atlanta is such a shit hole of a downtown environment. at least when i lived in seattle i felt comfortable walking the city streets and knew where shit was.
Just saw the Main Hall venue tonight
Portal 2 both looks to be giving something out. Tron Both is epic looking, and Nvidia's TV needs to be a tad bigger.
Might try to organize something around 6 or 7pm on Saturday night if there's enough interest. I bet Fox, Enig, CoolGuy, Jodo would all be up for something.

@Happy: Living by SJSU currently. Going to be heading back up north after my internship is done in a week. If you wanna grab a beer or w/e, let me know.
The Red5 game looks neat.

Anyone know of a good afterparty tomorrow night? I got stuck working the console tourneys but I am trying to hit something up tomorrow night.
Get drunk and plan the 2011 ski trip while you are there. Reno or Utah. Reno is great because of the shuttle buses to the resort and the gambling. Utah has the greatest snow on earth, just like the slogan says.
Just like Snapple is made from the best stuff on earth! Filtered tap water and high fructose corn syrup!