paul giamatti is the best actor in america

Paul really has done a huge variety of roles, and done most of them well. Viewed from that perspective I can recall only a few actors that have crossed so many different movie genres and done so successfully.
malkovitch isn't bad, but not great. he doesn't have much range.

Its either Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholas, or Anthony Hopkins.
I think that as an actor, Johnny Depp is quite underrated.


Sean Penn's acting skill peaked in Fast Times. Best actor definitely goes to Christian Bale. But I think my two runner ups would be Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti. Gotta say Giamatti is fucking cool, and shootemup was kickass with both of those actors.
I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I didn't say only Russell Crowe. There is no actor out there that has as much range as Russell Crowe.
One of the best actors in America today is returning to film soon. Daniel Day Lewis. He is strange and goes on sabaticals to work as a tradesman, but he has a nomination or award to show for almost every acting credit on his resume.

Plus, he was rad in Gangs of New York opposite a better younger actor than Christian Bale (Although I like Bale in almost everything he has done).