Patch for Demo please??

Sence you will mostly get flamed for this... I guess I'll go ahead and answer...

The demo is an exactly duplicate of the version you will buy in stores. The only difference is that the full version already has a patch that is available. If you want to see the changes, you gotta get the game. The game went gold before the demo was even released.
they should if they wanna make more money, upgrading the demo for people makes sense. there are still bugs in the demo that people might want to see worked out.

and no, he wont get flamed because that is a good question.
Got Plas? said:
they should if they wanna make more money, upgrading the demo for people makes sense. there are still bugs in the demo that people might want to see worked out.

and no, he wont get flamed because that is a good question.

Are you ppl brand new to PC gaming? Full games get patched. Demos do not get patched.
Pachacutec said:
some things can't be seen, like FPS improvements.

Demo is representative of the performance you will get in the full game. There will not be any drastic FPS improvements. It never happens like that.
if your copy of T:V was stuttering badly, but you liked the game, what would you do.

it's fine for me, but i can understand wanting to see patches. /endofthread.
Demos can get patched. See Splinter Cell: PT MP demo for example. However, it would be awkward to patch the T:V demo because not all demo servers and/or clients may update (due to ignorance or apathy), so the demo base could effectively be split.
Yogi said:
I haven't. I've seen betas, stress tests, release candidates, and full games get patches.

Wasn't the T1 demo patched?

I know for damn sure you couldn't use Happy Mo-- er... Wasn't it patched?