Pardon me, Mr. Nigger?


these little yellow pieces of ignorant shit make some fucking awesome fried chicken
bourdain of drinking on television fame says the good stuff is made by the dune coons in saudi arabia

i would trust his opinion b/c he is not a degenerate mongrel like certain self-styled army rangers on tribalwardotcom/forums
how can someone who isn't white be white trash?

and no...nobody got your email just like you never sent anything to her or my facebook because you cant find us! besides, why would she care what you say in an email anyway? pussy. stop lying. you're not convincing me.

Are you for real? Naptown is a greasy loser but you're buying into his shit hook, line and sinker.

Trip, you're seriously one of the dumbest people on this forum and that's saying something.
Are you for real? Naptown is a greasy loser but you're buying into his shit hook, line and sinker.

Trip, you're seriously one of the dumbest people on this forum and that's saying something.

you think i dont know his agenda? i think that he pretends he doesnt get mad, but inside hes all butthurt...i think this is funny.

you can call me dumb all you want, to me, you're just more txt on the internet.
he may be text on the internet but youre actually retarded

i'd pick being text over that.
let's have a round of bans, and cleanse out the stupid

trip and skysnipe (i actually feel bad lumping skysnipe in with trip), your time has come

That guy has a nice ass :brows: