Palestine vote passes

MC Hamster

Veteran XX
So.. the UN has upgraded Palestine from an "entity" to a non-voting observer state, despite the efforts of Israel and the US. 138 yes, 9 no, and 41 (including us here in Aus) voting "we probably would, but we don't want to piss off the Americans") and abstaining.

In itself it's not much more than symbolic, it doesn't really give much, but it does open the door to them joining other UN bodies.. the ICC being one of them which has Israel particularly nervous...

I wonder if they recognise any borders with that state? Did they dig up some 65 year old map, blow the dust off and go "Hey, here's one we prepared earlier! Wait... this can't be right...."
norway voted yes and our politicans are the biggest fucking pushover pussies in the world.

or so i thought until this thread
Next they will let in other stateless ethnic groups, such as the Kurds, the Roma, and the Scottish.

norway voted yes and our politicans are the biggest fucking pushover pussies in the world.

or so i thought until this thread

It was actually in the news earlier on that Gillard was going to put through a "No" vote but pretty much got overruled by 'senior' members of her own party (of which she is nominally the leader & hence PM) who convinced her that it was going to happen anyway and being "on the wrong side of history" with it would not be a good idea.


This puts Palestine up there with the Holy See, as far as UN recognition goes.

Though notably (speaking of Finland).. Finland held that same status in the 50s before becoming a full member.. As did plenty of others.. Switzerland was the same up until 10 years back or so, too.
Guh, how will the United States replicate itself across the world if the UN doesn't follow in step....I thought this was why we made it in the first place???
One of the big sticking points for allowing Palestine in was that they would be prohibited from pursuing legal action against Israel in The Hague. Did they agree to that?
One of the big sticking points for allowing Palestine in was that they would be prohibited from pursuing legal action against Israel in The Hague. Did they agree to that?

That wasn't a "sticking point".. That was purely Israel (and, by extension the USA) trying to limit the potential damage once they'd realised that the vote was going to succeed whether they liked it or not.

..And no, they didn't agree to it. There's absolutely no reason for them to do so. It was ridiculous for Israel to even ask.