OT: "Puke" and other important synonyms


Veteran XX
OT (and OFN):

Somebody help me here: I could swear that in college one of my English professors talked about a linguistics theory where you could judge the importance of a concept, thing or idea in a culture by how many ways or synonyms there were for it in that language.

Then begins the funnay (for English)

e.g. Regurgitate
Synonyms: puke, vomit, ralph, technicolor yawn, barf, blow chunks, toss cookies, bow to the porcelain goddess, heave, hurl, etc.

e.g. intoxicated
Synonyms: shit-faced, blinded, snookered, plastered, toasted, blasted, inebriated, drunk, pie-eyed, oiled, lubed, etc.

Got to be more....
When you're at the bank and they ask you to push your ATM card through the slot, the word in use is "swipe", as in swipe your card.
To swipe: to steal
Speaks volumes.
Btw, the teller will not understand the humor, so kids, do not try this at home.