dare, what are you butthurt about now? Are you really gonna cry about cheats when you told me to use a pixel chaser in a pub two years ago?
lol hey if repeating insults that tehvul thinks are good works for u keep it up i could care less about that stuff and ur still going to get made fun of for being an autist
autism is a spectrum so when i see people as dumb as shift doing weird compulsive things like adding 420 fog distances to every map he makes and there are tons of these maps i gotta think thats an autistic compulsion
i like it and i like using aspergers and autist as an expression too for fags and stupid people and people i dont like and the nigger type of person and women and jesus
paintball mod was pretty fun i remember lemon when he was in PiE that was lemon right

a lot of us shifter scum played pb mod and football and rpg