onmouseover question (.NET)


Veteran X
I need to add an onmouseover action to the datagrid row so the border will change color anytime a cell in that row is hovered over. I can get the BACKGROUND color to change, but that is not what I am looking for.

I have tried the syntax below in the ItemDataBound event of the datagrid, I even tried it in the ItemCreated event:

e.Item.Attributes.Add("onMouseOver", "this.borderColor='#color';this.style.cursor='hand'")

but it doesnt do anything....grrrrrr

I can get this to work for the individual cell but not the entire row.

can anyone help?

thanks <3
for what it sounds like is you need to get creative with some if statements.

if mouseover on cell a or cell b or cell c ect... then

change border color on cell a and b and c
Khushi said:
isnt it this.style.borderColor? note this is CSS and has nothing to do with .net
the .style would call a text style that resides on the client side of the webpage or CSS file.

but that doesnt work either...that has been tried. :|
this probably refers to the cell and not the row. I am sure you can get the parent row from the cell somehow (like this.parentRow.borderColor -- I made up .parentRow, but you get the idea.)
the "e.item" refers to the row

the attributes for the individual cells look like this:

e.Item.Cells(I).ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen