OMG WMD evidence!!

Musashi said:
Had the NAZIs not confused biology and culture thay wouldn't have been so bad.

Just because they commited an atrocity, do not discount all of their theories. that's just tossing out the baby with the bathwater.
so your saying get rid of a type of people so u can feel safe? Well if thats not one of the most demonic things ive ever heard. America is turning into the the international party that governs everything. And some people just dont want that, do you blame them, hell no. Personally I Hope you and any of your off spring are diagnosed with AIDs
Kizzak said:
Unless of course they decide that the South will "rise again" and take up arms. Remember, they wave around a flag which symbolizes treason against the United States of America, and some even suggest that the south will fight again. As far as I'm concerned they are part of the Confederacy and traitors deserving of execution, or castration.

I've seen jerry springer. They aren't that much of a threat.
John Bolton, who is Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs in the Bush Administration, not to mention one of the PNAC ideologues and a signatory of the warmongering January 26, 1998 letter on Iraq to President Clinton, has given a speech at a luncheon hosted by the National Defense University Foundation. In this speech, he extends the justification for the attack on Iraq to the breaking point. Referring to the lack of WMD found in Iraq, he said: "There has been a lot of misunderstanding as to exactly what it was we expected to find and when we expected to find it." He continued: "The most fundamental, most important thing that was not destroyed [by international weapons inspectors] was the intellectual capacity in Iraq to recreate systems of weapons of mass destruction." He said that U.N. and International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors:
". . . could have inspected for years and years and years and probably never would have found weapons-grade plutonium or weapons-grade uranium. But right in front of them was the continued existence of what Saddam Hussein called the 'nuclear mujahadeen,' the thousand or so scientists, technicians, people who have in their own heads and in their files the intellectual property necessary at an appropriate time . . . to recreate a nuclear weapons program."

He claimed that the United States was justifed in attacking Iraq because of this capacity. I have two comments:

In the light of the failure to find WMD, Bolton has changed his tune. In a Radio Sawa Interview on April 17, 2003, not so very long ago, he responded to the question "Do we have a specific plan to locate Iraq's chemical and biological agents after the end of the war?":
"We have a very detailed plan to try to locate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction storage areas, chemical agents, biological agents, warheads, production facilities, the files and records of the weapons programs, so that these can be exposed to the world so that everybody can see the extent of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and also so that we can begin the process of destroying them finally; so when a new Iraqi government comes into power, representatives of all the elements of Iraqi society committed to not pursuing weapons of mass destruction, that we will be able to say that in fact Iraq is completely free of such weapons and therefore should be a full participant again in the international economy and political scene."

The so-called 'Bush doctrine' is that the United States can preemptively use war in self-defense against countries that may pose a threat to the security of the United States. As it stands, this doctrine is of highly questionable validity in international law, and should be limited to cases where: 1) the threat is real and imminent; 2) war is the only possible alternative; and 3) there is no time to consult the United Nations. If we add to the 'Bush doctrine' the idea that the threat does not even have to be real, but can just rest on the American view of the potential threat sometime down the road due to the imagined capability of scientists and engineers in the target country, the whole 'Bush doctrine' is revealed as a sham. Just about any country in the world has the 'intellectual capacity' to begin a program of creating weapons of mass destruction. The doctrine has become simultaneously so wide and vague that it is transparently simply a way of rationalizing the complete destruction of the sovereignty of nations if the United States should decide it would like to take the assets of any given country through a unilateral attack. People have tried to compare the 'Bush doctrine' to the geopolitics of Hitler, but Bush is far worse than Hitler, for Hitler at least tried to come up with some justification for his predations. The Americans can destroy a country and steal its assets based solely on their imagination that something bad might happen at some indeterminate time in the future if nothing is done to stop it. The failure to find the promised weapons of mass destruction, and the scrambling of the PNAC philosophers to rationalize the attack on Iraq in the absence of such discovery, has revealed the 'Bush doctrine' for the thuggery which it truly is.
Published on Wednesday, May 28, 2003 by the Baltimore Sun
Although it's abundantly clear now that the president's objective always was "regime change," also known as getting rid of Mr. Hussein, he peddled the al-Qaida link and WMD as the better bet to get the U.N. Security Council to go along. He understood it was not about to sanction a blatant overthrow of a sovereign state, as despised as Mr. Hussein was.

You'll recall how Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, with assurances of an imminent threat from Iraq, laid his considerable personal prestige on the line to squeeze a definitive war-making resolution out of the Security Council. In place of hard intelligence, he presented, among other things, computer-simulated mock-ups of mobile chemical and biological weapons factories to make the case.

The council didn't buy it, and neither did most of the rest of the world, but President Bush, with a hard patriotic sell, got the American public on his side and went ahead. With those WMD so elusive, the administration's pitch now is that the invasion confirmed the Iraqi dictator's bestiality, which we already knew, and that that is enough justification.
Greywolf said:
so your saying get rid of a type of people so u can feel safe? Well if thats not one of the most demonic things ive ever heard. America is turning into the the international party that governs everything. And some people just dont want that, do you blame them, hell no. Personally I Hope you and any of your off spring are diagnosed with AIDs

The international community is going to have an international form of governace eventually. It migh as well be under the most powerfull and most benevolent culture on the planet.
Musashi said:
The international community is going to have an international form of governace eventually. It migh as well be under the most powerfull and most benevolent culture on the planet.

How can you say "benevolent" when corporations rules and the government can PR spin anything to get its own way? Sure the government is responsible to the American people, but they've never treated other nations with that kind of respect.

Time to work, GO THREAD!
BTW, I'm not saying our government should rule the earth, just our culture. I just wanted to clarify that.
Musashi said:
I've seen jerry springer. They aren't that much of a threat.

See that is where you are wrong, I have secret intelligence which says that this sub-race seems to be plotting to overthrow the United States. In fact I have acquired satellite evidence and schematics of their training and brainwashing camps. These camps have spread all over the country and are slowly polluting the citizens' minds.



Boomyguy said:
Ok ok, so i read it wrong. daerid is a liberal who believes we knew it all along there were no weapons. thx for the correction

But the conservatives have been saying those same words for the past month. While we all heard the crap they were spouting off for the past year.
sorry daerid

no prob, but I don't claim to be a liberal, either. I tend to stay away from political affiliations.

I just live here.
I can also kind of see Musashi's point, although not really in a rabid, fanatical way. More of a logical, sensible approach. If a culture is based on oppression, suppression, hatred, and violence, then yes; it should be wiped off the face of the planet.

Otherwise, if people can live and be happy and free in a culture, leave it alone.
Musashi said:
BTW, I'm not saying our government should rule the earth, just our culture. I just wanted to clarify that.

We've allready been through this, there aint enough resources on the planet to support more than 1 USA..
Musashi said:
Actually I am an A student with many glowing letters of recommendation.

Then WHY THE FUCK DID YOU THINK CANADA WAS STILL A COLONY? You're a moron, plain and simple. You're a pathetic, ignorant fool who feels the need to spew his worthless, tasteless garbage to people which only makes you look like a bigger and bigger idiot. I can only thank the god that people like you won't get into office or have any power. I wish Lamarck's ideas were true, if they were, your family would have lost their brains long, long ago. The world would be a much better place without hicks like you. You're a fucking absurd lunatic...
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