[OMG] Another mass shoo......ah never mind.

Mitch, try being yourself here, what have you got to lose. My persona here is my persona irl to the best of my knowledge, I do understand perspectives may have some misinterpreting me.

I actually believe that it is, and that you're in a very small minority who can say that.
Someone must have traumatized this shooter and I bet it was a white guy. He told him to have a rotten day and it all escalated from there. So it's still the white man's fault
maybe his son was rejected from stanford because despite having much better scores, lost out to a black non-binary student
Oh and another one. So in California alone they have more mass shootings in 3 days than Europe will likely have in an entire year.

Perfectly normal and justifiable.
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Well yea a lot of elderly Asian men in Cali. Not many of them in Europe cause they're bigots.
Newspaper claims there have already been 38 mass shootings in the USA this year, and I read that three days ago. :O