OK gun mentalists........

a better way of looking at it is like this, peanut...

"hey, i really wanna kill someone, but oh no, the government says i can't have a gun, and oh no, i really don't have a gun, guess i'm screwed, can't kill anyone now. :shrug:"

fair enough, but you're only talking about 1 person.

i'm talking about mass murders, killing sprees, etc.
you're kidding yourself if guns don't make it easier for someone to perform these acts.
Stonings, and beheadings aren't counted as murders.

dubai lambo cop aint got time for silly beheadings


not when there are still stones to throw at tourists kissing on their beach

or females committing adultery by being gang rapped.
fair enough, but you're only talking about 1 person.

i'm talking about mass murders, killing sprees, etc.
you're kidding yourself if guns don't make it easier for someone to perform these acts.

2011 Norway attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A gunman dressed in a homemade police uniform and showing false identification[17][18] gained access to the island and subsequently opened fire at the participants, killing 69 of them,[7][8] and injuring at least 110, 55 of them seriously;[11][12] the 69th victim died in a hospital two days after the massacre.[9] Among the dead were personal friends of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and the stepbrother of Norway's crown princess Mette-Marit.[19]

if only they had more laws...necessitated more training. All those poor, poor, kids would still be alive.

Getting a permit for the pistol proved more difficult, as he had to demonstrate regular attendance at a sport shooting club.[34] He also bought ten 30-round magazines for the rifle from a United States supplier, and six magazines for the pistol (including four 30-round magazines) in Norway. From November 2010 to January 2011 he went through 15 training sessions at the Oslo Pistol Club, and by mid-January his application to purchase a Glock pistol was approved.[37][38]

huh..never mind apparently they tried that

Firearms in Norway are regulated by the Firearm Weapons Act,[1] with a new secondary law in effect 1 July 2009 providing more detailed regulation.[1] The act covers all firearms, air pressure weapons, and some "exotic arms" as the act defines. All weapons that would be regulated must have two things in common: they must eject a projectile mechanically and use some form of propellant to perform the ejection.

huh, that didn't appear to work either.

Oh well...if at first you don't succeed fail fail again.
making a bomb requires a lot of skill and technical knowledge.
i'm willing to bet you own at least 1 gun, but i doubt you know how to make a bomb. and if you do, you are in the minority.

you don't see bombs being sold at gun stores
If two morons in the Boston area can make a pressure cooker bomb, it must not be too hard to do.

Also, lots of cave dwellers can make bombs pretty easily as well.
fair enough, but you're only talking about 1 person.

i'm talking about mass murders, killing sprees, etc.
you're kidding yourself if guns don't make it easier for someone to perform these acts.

Oklahoma city ring a bell?... fuck you are dumb. in reality guns are a horrible way to do mass murder. with google these days especially.
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making a bomb requires a lot of skill and technical knowledge.
i'm willing to bet you own at least 1 gun, but i doubt you know how to make a bomb. and if you do, you are in the minority.

you don't see bombs being sold at gun stores

Nope but you can learn how to make them on the internet with what you have under your kitchen sink most likely.

Then look what they do with fertilizer and fuel oil...
Regulate this, outlaw that... Norway this, Europe that.

There are like 300 million guns in the USA. You can outlaw whatever you want and close down the entire firearms manufacturing industry and still not make any damn difference for 500 years.

Guns. Murica. Live with it.
Mitch created this fucking thread. What the fuck are you people doing actually arguing about the subject he created?
isolated incident. all the laws, all the enforcement, courts etc can't prevent these type incidents. You would literally have to lockup every bitter divorcee, ex-partner etc to prevent this.

what would that cost?