OFN? - Nuclear warheads found outside Baghdad

Redwood said:
Likewise, would believe any pro-war, pro-bush information?

They could have pictures with marines riding the warheads and you still wouldn't believe it.

Redwood said:

That's why I said I was leery about it... It didn't seem too trustworthy.

It's cool, most conservative posts in the past 3 years never turn out to be true. so we didnt take you too seriously.
I realize more and more every day that El Smack is the biggest jerkoff to ever grace the forums. You are the kind of nutjob fuckoff liberal that makes fundie conservatives appealing. The Bill O'Riley of liberalism.

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They pointed out that the missiles were actually discovered in the trenches lying under six meters of concrete and designed in a way to unable sophisticated sensors from discovering nuclear radiation.
NightTrain said:
There's a video of soldiers sodomizing children?

No where did I or anyone elses claim it was soldiers doing the sodomizing. Just that it happened in that prison under their watch.
so according to the article iraq actually had 3 nuclear missiles and the technology to hide them 100% from US technology? and not just hide them in storage, no no, but hide them in transportation from who knows where. or wait, maybe they are hiding a huge heavy water reactor under 10 metres of censor proof concrete!